
Do you believe in the paranormal? Offer reasons which justify your choice?

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Do you believe in the paranormal? Offer reasons which justify your choice?




  1. Yes. Personal experience. A century or so of accumulated evidence.

  2. Yes, I've experienced too much to disbelieve.

  3. No, I do not believe in it. Humans have existed on this planet  for roughly 200,00 years. You would think in all of that time, somebody would have at least a glimmer of credible evidence for "paranormal" entities existence.

    The best thing we have so far are two plumbers walking around "spooky" places in the dark saying, "Did you hear that?"

    Give me a break.

  4. i do believe in paranormal events, i believe cause of my experiences and others...i know thats not evidence, but its enough for me to believe...what makes me believe it more is sometimes ive seen things when im with someone else, and they have seen it to...

  5. ITA with Ron. Unless you've experienced the paranormal firsthand, you will not understand it. I used to be very doubtful that spirits aka ghosts existed...until I began to feel them around me. They've made me a believer.

  6. I think belief is a very personal choice, while knowledge is a very personal experience.

    The knowledge or belief that one person has cannot be transferred to another person.

    Therefore justification of ones knowledge or belief is irrelevant.

    We each have knowledge that encompasses our own experiences. While it is wrong for one person to say that they do not respect another's personal experience of the paranormal, it is equally wrong for someone who has experienced it to rubbish someone who has not.

    We each need to respect that the other's experience and personal truth is their own, and that although that may change in time, it is not our right to judge it, either way.

  7. Yes I do. I can not give you scientific proof, how does one measure moved objects? Do I run around with a meter in my hand 24/7? Even if I did, how do I know that that is the best way to PROVE the phenomenon.? THings happen when they happen. Would  you ask me to prove that my alarm went off and woke me u p this morning? It may have and it may not have. It is what it is. This empirical conclusive evidence is ridiculous. How many people that are such hard heads believe in the bible, and what proof of that is there? How many scientists are crazy enough to believe that no other llife exists on other planets somewhere? Now when I say life I don't necessarily mean highly intelligent beings, I just mean some form of life.  How many people out there who believe in the theory of relativity can prove it themselves? Let us be real .

  8. Yes, when I was young something called my brother and my name, we were in the basement of a two story house and my sister was up on the 2nd story, it was a males voice.  No one else was in the house at the time.

  9. No, in general, I don't. I personally haven't seen any credible evidence nor am I aware of sufficient credible evidence gathered by others to justify my belief in the paranormal (and I have researched it). The label of paranormal includes a number of purported phenomena, and certain elements of the paranormal are a little less unbelievable than others. None of it I find credible so far, but I am anxiously awaiting any evidence (evidence that is more than mere hearsay and which can withstand scientific scrutiny) which can swing me over to the believers side. A rational analysis, however, cannot ignore Occam's razor when evaluating any new or old evidence, nor should it ignore the fallacy of Argument by Elimination (i.e., the fallacy where refutation of the proposed natural explanations is taken as evidence of a supernatural explanation).

  10. I choose to live in an evidence-based world.  Evidence does not support the idea of the paranormal.  Neither does logic.  Even when trying to be completely open minded the whole idea seems so improbable that I can't even pretend to believe for even a moment.

  11. another question, same answer. it dependes on the paranormal your asking about. If you mean ghosts, spirits, and demonic activity, you bet. I have seen, felt too much in my life to not believe. and since I have a ghost hunting group, it has only reinforced my beliefs in the afterlife.

  12. Yes, I grew up in an old haunted house and it had it's scary moments.  Most was benign, just things moving around, shadows passing when no one else was in the room, my cat flipping out and hissing for no reason, etc...  

    I just stayed the heck outta the cellars, that was were most of the activity was centered.

  13. No, I don't.  Mostly I arrived at this conclusion by applying Occam's Razor - the simplest answer that fits the facts is the correct answer.

    Paranormal phenomena raise more questions than they answer, hence it is not reasonable to postulate a paranormal solution when a non-paranormal one will suffice.

  14. No, im cognitive-minded.

    Oh, and btw: when scientists say "there is not evidence whatsoever of (something)", it doesnt mean they cannot understand it.

  15. YES,YES,and YES! I totally believe! I have had too many experiences to not believe. I have had the ability to see ghost since I was about 4 or 5, thats the first I can remember anyways.  The first was when I was very young, I was in bed about to fall asleep, I heard foot steps in the hallway and thought it was my brother. the foot steps stopped by my door, nothing unusual about that; his bedroom was right next to mine. I shut my eyes and tried to go to sleep. About two minutes later I heard my door open. Thinking it was my brother bothering me I said" Go to bed!" When I looked there was a tall, skiny man standing in my doorway. scared the c**p out of me! He was there for a second and then he was gone. Then next was a few years later, I was about 14 or 15 i would say; my father always worked late so we kept all of the doors locked in the house. When he came home he would always knock on the back door very loud to let us know he was there. Well, I was up in my room doing homework and my brother in his doing the same. We both heard the "knock" on the back door and ran down the stairs to see who could get there forst to let him in. Our Mom was on the couch watching TV and she asked what we were doing, we told her and she said that she didn't hear anything. We ran to the back door and unlocked it and there was not one there Very creepy. A while after that we all heard a baby crying in the closet and there were no babies in the house! We could not figure out where the crying was coming from. We checked everywhere! We all heard it! We don't live there any more by the way!

    I now am grown with my own family and have lived in two places that are haunted so far. Our forst appartment was very haunted! I say a lady dressed in white almost every night. She would appear int he kitchen and walk over to my bedroom door and then to my daughters room. She would never go ont he room just stop at the door and look in and then go away. Almost like she was checking on my hubby and daughter. The appartment was right by a cemetery so, at night all you could feel was the feeling of being watched. Very creepy. the house we are in know is haunted as well. I see shadow people all of the time. there is a presence in my daughters room. I have on many occasions had her sleep with me because the people keep waking her up and trying to talk to her. thats what she says anyways! I am planning on dsetting up my videi camera in her room tonight to see if we can catch anything. Both my self and my hubby have heard foot steps in our hallway at the same time. there was not one else in the house, the kids were at my moms house. Just to let you know. I have also had some one I couldn't see breathe very deeply in my ear. that scared the c**p out of me! This summer we were having a bon-fire and we were all out side. We left the light on over the stove so we could have a little light when we went in. We were sitting there relaxing and enjoying the beautiful night and we (me and hubby) and my mom as well, saw a sark shadow of a very tall man walk by our living room window and peer out, it stayed there for a few seconds and then walked through the kitchen. It even blocked the light from the blower on the stove. I had my hubby and his friend go in and check and there was no one to be found. So, as you can see, I have enough "proof" for me to believe! We are having a paranormal investigative team come in and do a full investigation next month. Hope this helps!

  16. Belief in the paranormal is usually spawned by personal experiences.A person could sit and try and convince you of the existence of the paranormal but it would not really do much good .I personally do not believe it is my duty to try and convince anybody in the existence of the paranormal my hopes for you is that someday you will have a experience with the paranormal and just like in everything else in life when you see it you will believe I think it is very healthy that we can come together in a forum such as this and share our opinions I read alot of answers in this forum that say it is childish and silly to believe in something you cannot see.My answer to this is just because a person has not seen something or had a experience does not disprove the existence of something .Why sit here and just ask questions for people to try and convince you in the existence of the paranormal?If you want convincing find a paranormal research group and ask to accompany them on an investigation and judge the findings for yourself there is more to researching the paranormal than just what you read and see on tv.Let what you  experience be your judge Good luck in your search I f you choose to accept my advice becareful as like others have said there are paranormal teams that are not real find a team that is reputable and approaches a investigation from a scientific approach and looks for physical explantions for activity before looking for the paranormal

  17. I do,i had  experiences,which involved ESP.- ;"The Paranormal" is a 'hypernym ' term and taking that into consideration there are many topics that are grouped into it,and you have to add the different approaches {(*  Anecdotal approach,*  Experimental approach,*  Participant-observer approach,*  Debunking approach,(personally i find this "approach"useless-simply because they like to treat people like they are "ignorant children",and frankly when you are an adult you should and have the right to have certain preferences indepently how trivial they might seem to be)

    * Survey approach,)}and all in all it's a fascinating and interesting topic.

  18. i have experienced things i can't explain, and have 2 different witnesses on two different occasions that each saw the same thing i did. i'm not saying that makes me a believer, but that does make it very interesting.

    the definition of what paranormal is and how we relate/interact to/with in our conscious is what interests me.

  19. I answered this in the question right above you(about "do you believe in paranormal stuff") You can read it there.  I've shared some of my experiences on here already..but don't want to keep repeating it. You can find our experiences on "similar questions" on Y/A or on "Resolved Questions".. If something new happens to me..I'll probably post it..but doubt anything will happen. I do wish I could hear from my dog Sweetie who died a few months ago..but so far nothing...(that I've been aware of).

  20. No I don't believe in it.Since you asked.Because I think it's silly,childish nonsense.My answer is my opinion.It's not meant to offend,hurt or intentionally antagonize anyone.

  21. They said there would be do nuts here

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