
Do you believe in the paranormal phenomena, ghosts/ UFO/ aliens? what was your experience?

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Do you believe in the paranormal phenomena, ghosts/ UFO/ aliens? what was your experience?




  1. yes, dont feel like typing that much tho, plenty of experience with spirits, no ufos or aliens, but actually some people i have met didnt seem to be from here...

  2. No doubt I believe, i have posted a story of my experience on my 360 blog for those who wish to read. I will be posting more as time goes by.

  3. I seem to be visited by Shadow People, i suppose that's what people call them.  I always thought they were just ghosts. I have made contact with the prior owner of my home which is famous, many times.  Some times he visits when one would least expect him, like showering, sitting on the toilet...i always see him on a full moon.  He doesn't do harm, he seems to be always looking and going about in the house. I see him in a silouttee only form.

  4. Absolutely.  My grandmother has come to me a few times and even moves things on me example a picture of her and my daughter however I have never been scared or had a bad experience not with her anyway.  I do live in her old house but she didn't pass in it.

  5. yes i very do beleive in ghost/ufo/aliens. my experience was that i was at a old priest school outside of lombard, il. i went over there with my friends. they say i'm crazy but that day i looked through the window and saw a whole flock of friers walking down the hall. there was a fire there so maybe they died because of that or maybe something else. i can't speack for the rest of the world but i believe in ghosts/ufo/aliens

  6. yes i think there is something there although ive never had anything happen

  7. Hi Angel, I have had a number of possible "close encounters" or experiences that made me wonder if "we are (truly) not alone", one of which was terrifying . See below.

  8. Yes, I REALLY do. I have had people that have died come to me in my dreams, on several occasions.

    The main one is...... In my dream, i was laying on a gurney in a hospital and was being wheeled. I looked over and saw my great grandmother sitting there and she was telling me everything was alright and she had told me other stuff.

    Now, I just blew it off as a dream, I realized now what is was. 4 years ago when my daughter was born, they had WHEELED me on a gurney to a room to do a c-section. My Nana was watching over us.

  9. No, although alien life forms may exist on other planets. No paranormal experiences.

  10. Yes. I think there are ghosts. I haven't seen any, but I've felt them 3 times before.

    Sometimes I have the sensation that something not human is watching me, even if there is people around me. I have felt shadow people and a lot of pressure when I enter some places.

  11. i can't say i purely dont believe in the paranormal at this stage coz i am still very enthusiastic about learning more compelling evidences that there's indeed something beyond our perception. i can say though that i am still a skeptic to most of the assertions but maintaining an open mind should a knock out argument/evidence unfolds before me.

  12. I want to beleive. No expirience yet. I wish i had.

    Big fun of the old series X-Files.

  13. no, not really

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