
Do you believe in the paranormal? ?

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Do you believe in aliens, ghost, big-foot, and all those type of stuff?




  1. Yup pretty much.  God bless.

  2. Alternate life forms in the universe, sure.

    The Hollywood version of said beings termed "aliens", no.

    Undecided on ghosts.

    The rest are a no for me.

  3. Aliens- I believe they could be out there somewhere in the universe. Not here on Earth though, thats bull.

    Ghosts- For the most part no.

    Big foot- h**l no

    Nessie- h**l no

  4. ya i mean, we haven't even discovered 1% of species on earth, and no one really knows what happens once you die...

  5. Yes


    Yes and more Yes!

    Does that mean these things exist? No. Would I bet my life they exist? No. But I will continue to believe until someone presents a genuine case for them not to exist. Why not! Belief requires no evidence, only faith. It is only with an open mind can one be receptive to things that lie beyond our current understanding. Do I believe in fairyland? What the h**l, why not! Life is boring without possibility.

  6. Aliens-No..



    So..kind of..

  7. yeah,why not?Tell me why these things can't exist.

  8. no

  9. aleins, and big foot arent paranormal, ghosts r paranormal,  u dont believe in all of that at once or else u should rightfully be called "nutty"

  10. No don't believe in it at least until I experience it personally.

  11. i believe that there are sooo many other planets and galaxies that theres got to be outside life. I also strongly believe in ghosts for a have had two encounters where this white body shaped orb followed me down  a hill on a full moon, and I am not kidding. :D

  12. i believe in all those stuff weird stuff. in fact i read books about paranormal stuff. i see the so weird on TV. it is a cool episode about all those weird stuff and if u believe in weird stuffs, type " fi's so weird web page" it is cool. i even believe in vampires, ghouls etc,. it may sound sstupid but i believe in weird stuffs. do u?

  13. Some of it yeah... depends on what, and the situation, but i do believe its possible.  

  14. Well I think I believe in ghosts. I've seen a  lot of strange things and there is a lot documented. Do I know what they are? Not at all. The other paranormal things,  I don't really do much research into. If I did, maybe I would believe.

  15. yes i do :)

  16. I don't believe in aliens.They could've been added to the video.

    I believe in ghosts their are some kinds that haunt but other ghosts are kind hearted.

    I don't believe in BigFoot.That could be someone in a gorilla costume.

  17. of course!

    well most of them anyway. there will always be a skeptic, but i believe in stuff like ghosts, maybe bigfoot, loch-ness may have lived but is probably dead by now, and aliens, well, you never know

  18. Aliens? Well, it would be a big waste of space if no other life form was out there, but I am still not sold on the whole thing.  Could it be possible, yes.

    Ghost...with my personal experiences I would have to say yes.  But, I do believe the mind is a powerful tool that can play tricks on people and of course the mind and the person can imagine anything and make it real to them.

    Big Foot? No, to many people running around and nature is shrieking everyday.  Someone somewhere would have harder evidence by now.  Plus, at least some bones or complete skeleton would have been found by now in the areas people claim they live.

    Lock Ness Monster?  Well, in the days of dinosaurs yes but now?

    All this does make life interesting.

  19. aliens yes.

    ghost no.

    bigfoot no.

    basically i am not an idiot.

    any different answer than mine will not be given by anyone with a reasonable IQ.

  20. Yes




  22. aliens most likely exist.  The rest of it is rubbish

  23. Sure, some of it -- Don't bunch it all together.

  24. definitely a diff' dimension.

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