
Do you believe in the possiblility of humans being on earth millions of years ago and going extinct?

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I had someone on this site email me some absolutely amazing information. I know every story has a different side and opinion but here are just 2 of the links I read that are very interesting. One is long but has some very interesting info. Read the links then give me your opinion on the info.




  1. The life form could have been humanoid but i doubt human.

  2. If humans had lived millions of years ago and become extinct, that would mean that we managed to evolve the same way again.  And that's simply not going to happen.  The chances of the same exact species evolving independently twice are so small as to be basically infinitely improbable.

  3. I believe man has been on earth 20 million years, Before that, I believe Aliens were here. I think thats what Atlantis was and is. A civilization of aliens with astounding technology. The aliens are still on this planet and in the seas. They own this planet not mankind. But then, thats just my opinion. I'm an Alien.

  4. Edit:  I honestly haven't arrived at an opinion I consider100% conclusive, except the extinction part.  I feel certain humans have never been extinct here.  I'd feel equally certain about the other if I was willing to jump-the-gun and not hold out any reservations at all.  But I try not to have opinions unless I am absolutely convinced.

    I've actually visited the Glen Rose site and examined the hand prints... also footprints on the Guadalupe River alongside those of ancient humongous critters.  It got a lot of publicity during the 1970s when I lived in the area.

    In general I think they aren't what they appear to be, though there's a likeness.

    I'm more intrigued by Alexander Chuvyrov's map.

  5. No.  I believe in the Biblical account of creation in Genesis.  Check out Truth in Genesis

  6. I highly doubt it

  7. If humans went extinct, we would not be here right now. Think evolution. We could evolved from beings much like ourselves, just physically different due to adaptation of the climate and surroundings of 1 million years ago.

    1 million years from now we will probably look 65% different than we do now.

  8. They say every good story has a grain of truth. I'm not a Christian, But I consider the Old testament to me more than purely a religious text. The same with other religious writings.

    It contains stories where "God" wiped out civilisations.-

    Soddom and Gomorra and Nohah and the Flood.

    Because of the inaccuracies - it must have been passed down gererations by word of mouth.

    We have tried to put these events into a single evolution - and we come across problems with this - hence the arguments in R&S!

    We do not know what wiped out the dinasaurs, How the Egyptians built pyramids and knew about telescopes before the greeks even thought about maths, or what Mana or the holy grail actually is!

    What is far more likely is that  a few of each civilisation survived - which is why there is no tracable single Eve.

    However,with no modern systems of relaying information - or knowledge of advanced engineerring -this information was lost. This is probably where the Myth of Atlantis actually fits.

    Early man, may have been a genetic mutation that died out (Or dare I say it cross-breeding?)

    rather than those who survived the event intact. This is why there is a missing link between the two.-

    I believe there have been previous civilisations up to the same technological advancement -or better than we have now.

    Now, What is Crude oil made from again? - plant and animal life millions of years ago - covered qickly with layers of sand and mud? - What was the animal life to cause that much oil? Sounds like an end of civilisation event to me - caused by large planetary pass.

  9. Humans were on earth million of years ago and we are their descendents.  Many of them, such as neanderthals and cro-magnon, did go extinct.  I don't know what you even mean by the word "believe," I just know what the data shows.

  10. yea i read the links. the second one is so long so i didn't finish. But everything in the world is going to kaboom anyway. And the planet X thing is pretty freaky...what if it crashes into earth then it really is the kaboom of the earth........

  11. Alexander Chuvyrov said it BEFORE  we even thought of it!! ("All I know is I don't know" or "The more I learn..the more I realize how little I know.") See..I read your link! If I hadn't ..look what I would have missed!!

    The other links at the amazes me that historical records have been kept for so long. (and kept secret)Seems like they would have rotted by now. The shoe print...can't imagine  an ape wearing it. Maybe it's from an alien. I can't go around trying to prove or disprove that humans were here millions of years ago. I can't understand how they have a machine etc. to prove this. And I can't understand why God would wait millions of years to send Jesus to help us. I don't understand why schools taught us things that weren't really true.Did they do some kind of "mind control" on us?Santa Claus is one thing...but having so much historical information and letting us grow up and teach our kids misinformation. ..which makes us look like liars....I think there should be a law against this. (I realize this is not an "intelligent" answer..just an emotional one) I can't imagine how much "wrong information" I taught kids. ..not even realizing it! they need to rewrite the the classroom history books!

  12. I viewed those two links that you provided. First off the antlantium one is  not even based on any scientific fact and the only newspaper facts there published are in the year 2012. lol.  The other site you listed has many interesting facts, but are unsupported. Just because it is on the web and just  because it is printed does not make  it true. I do believe  in the concept for sure though, I do believe that we are  not th e only ones, I do believe that we have been influenced and visited by extra-terrestrials through out history, I just don't know if there is the evidence to support it.

  13. I'm only answering now so I can come back to this later and read the articles...they look interesting.

  14. I don't think humans became extinct and then re-evolved, but I think, alternatively, that there have been both natural and man-made catastrophes in the past that have decimated humankind.  The survivors had to start over again.  In the modern cycle, we find that the major cities sprang up all nearly at the same time following, presumably, a major man-made or natural catastrophe.  Michael Cremo wrote a massive tome on the subject, called "Forbidden Archeology."

    The second article has a lot of interesting information, but the fictional accounts and the style of saying that things are true without demonstrating the evidence makes it a kind of flawed article.  It looks like interesting reading, though, and I will revisit it later.

    Note that Tibetan Buddhist masters have also been known, even in modern times, to leave hand and foot prints in solid rock.  This is not known to have happened outside of Tibet as far as I know, though.

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