
Do you believe in the power of subliminal messaging ?

by Guest62320  |  earlier

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Or do you think it doesn't work ?





  1. red 7 stitches

  2. Is that like text messaging.

  3. I cant wait to subscribe..I tremble in anticipation, my knees are knocking, I am sweating..The man is mad.....

    Simply nuts...

  4. hahahaha wouldn't work on me.

  5. the third category, ROFLMAO

    (rising off floor laughing my a**s on)

  6. Works d@mned well for me. What a truly creative video from such a young, (as well as adorably SEDUCTIVE) kid.


    Satan should be so clever...

    Wait a moment, was THAT kid Satan???

  7. It does nothing for me,

  8. That dude die some powerful gonja. LOL

  9. yes

  10. No, and that kid was freaky.... LoL.

  11. Not really. But it's sort of like trying to interpret body language.

  12. I watched Chinese TV, and now I am desperate to buy products I am unable to pronounce.  

  13. Drugs are bad.

  14. Maybe so, yes.

  15. subliminal messages exist, its actually taught at uni in marketing... so it how advertisers work to sell their unnecessary c**p to you. if you hear something enough eg, smoking is bad, u believe it. it is how u get manipulated to buy products.

  16. it wouldn't work on me...*subscribe*...I wouldn't fall for something like that...*subscribe*...mmmm wonders back to youtube...*subscribe* *subscribe* *subscribe*....... :-)

  17. That was not subliminal enough for me

  18. I don't know, as because it is subliminal I don't know what the message is ,so I don't know if it has any powers or not.

  19. my mind is so powerful, nothing reaches it

    and i mean nothing!

  20. i know you were going to ask that

  21. Yes, it has been proven to work in advertising.  

  22. Hmmmm,



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