
Do you believe in the "Right side Thinking" , "Left side thinking" theory or do you believe something else?

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have heard that the "Right side" of the brain is for ideas, artistic thinking , etc.

while the left side is for logical , scientific thinking.

is this true you think ?

I was thinking perhaps it is the SUBCONSCIOUS that is responsible for ideas, artistic thought, and it was the area of the FRONTAL LOBE, etc that is for "scientific", logical thought.

Is this perhaps really the truth you think?

why and how so?

Thanks for your answers!




  1. It is true that the generalised notion of "left side does this, right side does that" is at least overly simplified. It's not so much a matter of belief, but more of scientific research results.

    Different areas in our brains are needed for different tasks, but some smaller tasks belonging to the same "larger task" are spread over different brain areas, sometimes even in different hemispheres (i.e. "brain-halfs"). You can locate different tasks relating to our use of language on the right as well as on the left side of the brain, for example. But the lateralisation of the brain that you described can be used fairly correctly to, let's say, boil things down. You cannot go into details with every tiny little thing coming up - high school is about providing you with a general knowledge.

    Therefore, it is alright to make such rather broad and overly simplified statements in high school courses. If the teacher puts it like this and adds, "It's slightly more complicated than that, but this is basically how it works", I'm not going to complain. Everybody gets a fair first idea, and if you're interested you can learn more about this at college or university. :)

  2. Not really sure, but it is interesting to think about. It would explain why so many lefties are creative :)

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