
Do you believe in the robin hood philosophy?

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Do you believe in the robin hood philosophy to steal from the rich and giving back to the poor or do you believe people should always be honest. The reason im asking is because im wondering now a days because im thinking of getting into the modeling and acting thats all good and well for me but i feel just a little bit guilty that im making millions for example and people are starving in other parts of the world and wars are always going on.

So what do you think....when i say steal i dont litteraly mean steal but if you had the choice of helping the world (which i want to do) would you do it on a small scale by getting an education and helping the world in some way or do you think it would be better to become rich and then become a philanthropist

So i would love to know your opinion...what do you think has more effect...making lots of money then giving back or changing the world with a theory like einstein or coming up with a new philosophy




  1. No I do not.  The rich shouldn't get that rich off of common folk.  Like professional sports players....Its ridiculous the money they make and what is charged for tickets and concessions.

  2. there is only such much money people need, and so much they'd want. someone like a bill gates character is ridiculously rich and could live ten lifetimes without ever needing anything.

    It's why people donate their time & services (aside from the tax break).

  3. It's simple.  Do what you can with what you have.  If your gift is a great intellect like Einstein, use it.  If your gift is good looks leading to lots of modeling dollars, be generous with those dollars.  If you don't have money, bless others with your time.

    God gives us all kinds of blessings and we should share those (whatever they may be) with others.

    As for the Robin Hood philosophy, that is basically socialism by another name.  Most wealthy people worked very hard to become wealthy.  Whose right is it to decide they have too much money?  At least in the USA, the wealthy people are not oppressing the poor.  On the other hand, most poor people in the USA are there by a choice.  Sometimes it is a choice in the pas that has prevented them from advancing (ex. s*x out of wedlock leading to pregnancy leading to inability to go to school).  Other times it is an ongoing choice (ex. drug/alcohol addiction).  Why should a 3rd party decide to take money from a wealthy individual to "help" a poor individual?

  4. Personally, I kind of do believe in the Robin hood philosophy, I wouldn't steal though. I think the best thing to do is change the world with a theory or philosophy. Those types of things can help out a person no matter their status. Instead of blaming the rich for being rich, and chastising the poor for being poor, we should help out all mankind, not just the haves and have nots.

  5. I believe in doing whatever is right for your personal self. If you believe in getting an education and helping people through that... that's great. If you believe in getting rich and giving back... that's great too. Let's start by saying, there is no "small way." Doctors and firefighters, therapists and teachers... None of them are doing anything small. They're making a difference every day in the lives of people. I've met shrinks that have given me hope that life is totally worth living... I've met teachers that made me choose better paths in life. Nobody makes a small difference when they try to make a difference at all.

    I totally believe in anything that is beneficial to the less fortunate. As long as the benefit far outweighs the harm done, have at it. Where the Robin Hood philosophy is concerned... Stealing literally or not, the benefits of giving to the poor were far greater than the harm done by stealing from the rich. ^_^ Its not to say it was necessarily the right thing to do... because people should be honest and the rich should be given the opportunity to be charitable on their own.

  6. You are more then welcome to enjoy the fruits of you labor but donating say 5-10% of your income to charity (no religious affilation is best) would be a great idea. Dont just think of the popular ones too there are many many charitys which dont get any media coverage and are forgotten, those smaller charitys might need those $$ just a bit more.

  7. I believe in it to an extent.

    I believe in helping the poor over the rich, but I also believe in helping people who first want to help themselves.  Just giving people hand-outs doesn't help when those people aren't given the means to improve on their own.

  8. If you make a lot of money, good for you.  But I believe that it would be your social responsibility to give what you can to charity.  And don't live a disgustingly extravagent lifestyle, like having 15 cars or a gold ceiling.

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