
Do you believe in the saying, happily ever after?

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Do you believe in the saying, happily ever after?




  1. yes, in fairy tales.

    in real life it takes work, dedication and determination.

  2. depends on how you define "happily ever after"

    I also think it's a state of mind.

  3. I do, but with a few bumps and forks in the road!! If you don't experience some unhappiness, how do you recognize happiness??

  4. That's a tough question.  I have said it as my ex did, but he didn't hold up to his end of the bargain.  I am remarried, so hopefully this guy will be for real.

  5. Well, it does show intent

    However, it is not a guarantee

  6. to a point.some times in a weird way i guess.some people are happy they were together til death.some are happy they didnt die with that person.happy they broke it off and realized that they are happily ever after dying alone.

  7. I don't know of any situations that were 'happily ever after'...there are almost always going to be some bumps and snags, even if things stay together and those involved don't want it to end.

    Re: relationships, it's a lot more rare nowadays for a couple to stay together until one of them dies, and of those that do or ever have, a lot of times it wasn't because the relationship overall was so happy.

    A friend of mine has parents in their 70s, they've been married over 40 yrs (not sure how long exactly) and both told my friend (within recent years) they each had multiple affairs that they never discussed with their partner. So even if they stick together until happily ever after was their marriage years ago when they were both s******g around on each other?

  8. No because every married couple fights no matter what.  They may stay married forever but as far as being happy forever is a bunch of sh*t.

  9. My wife & I will celebrate our twentieth anniversary in February.  Each of us were married once before and experienced the loss of love.  When we were married, we entered into a serious process of marriage counseling.  We learned that marriage changes as a couple grows older together.  Intentionally working on communication is essential if a couple is going to achieve a mature and satisfying love relationship.  Never take each other for granted.  

    Happily ever after?  Yes, but not giddy.  It is much deeper than superficial happiness.

    Good luck.

  10. Not in the fairy tale way of it...more in the way of realizing that life is not always easy and relationship take a lot of work, but that if you stick with it then yes essentially you are happy ever after when you have met the right person.

  11. Nope. Because you are never going to always be happy all of the time. Marriage is a lot of work and a lot of commitment from both partners.

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