
Do you believe in the saying that "All women are beautiful in some way?"?

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I sure have a hard time finding beauty in some women.




  1. yes,each women is pretty in their own way.

    they may not have a prefect body but they can have a nice personalities.


    but most guy will judge by appearance

  2. Some people think beauty is superficial others think beauty is deeper than that. I believe no matter how "beautiful" you are, if you are ugly on the inside you are ugly all around. But Beauty IS in the eye of the beholder.

  3. I don't think in some way-- but to some one.

    i know quite a few women who are complete b****es and aren't what you would call "beautiful" but for some reason or another they have boyfriend or are married, and it's just like 'wtf do you see in her?!"

  4. yes! Some women might not have the outer beauty, but have inner beauty, which is much more important anyway. same with men.

  5. If you are speaking of physical, NO!  If your speaking of the mental, NO!

  6. Beauty is in the eye of the yes, all women are beautiful to someone...

  7. umm yes and no o_O

    just because someone is fat. doesnt mean they cant be pretty.... unless their own fat eats them alive.... ew... ok um, well if you have a crappy personality, your ugly in my eyes. looks dont mean a lot to me.

  8. Yeah, unless their completely shallow and only look good. Every woman has something nice about them if you get to know them. Some of my friends may not be considered beautiful by some boys in my year, but they are the nicest people you could meet, and you'd have a blast going out with them.

  9. I believe that about everyone. No matter how ugly someone may be to the majority, there will always be at least one person out there who would give anything to shag them.

  10. Thin, fat, all woman are beautiful in every single way! The shape of their nose, the color of their eyes! Something. Something different to everyone! Dont say their not cause  they are!

  11. It's hard, but every women does have some sort of beauty. For some people you have to really really know them to find that beauty because it's so deep down inside. They might have some issues so they seem cold and hard on the outside but really they're not that bad, most of the time. You can't really say they have no beauty until you've lived them andactually seen their life

  12. for the most part I do. Some people are just plain evil though, and I do believe that a lot of beauty comes from the inside!

  13. Im in shock that people actually think that a big woman cant be beautiful!!!!!  I know many big beautiful ladies.  Open up your mind and your heart.  And although people find it hard to believe, those woman can get a man pretty darn easy!!!

  14. That saying is ridiculous, as are all generalizations.

    C'mon, people ... some of you want to have it both ways. For example:

    "Yes, it's true, EXCEPT if they're mean-spirited" or whatever other trait you don't like.

    The saying as quoted is "ALL WOMEN." That doesn't leave any room for "except" or "for the most part" or "depending."

    If the saying was "most women," or even "most people," I'd agree with it.

  15. Its like saying all people have beauty- You have to look harder for it with some.  

    There is a saying in geriatrics:  "All people are beautiful.  As you get age it moves from your face to your heart." I don't know the author."

  16. As long as a woman's personality isn't nasty, I believe in that saying.

  17. I believe that all human beings have at least one good thing about them, be it an aspect of physical beauty or positive personality traits.

  18. yeah all women are beautiful

    however a women might look ugly in your eyes some might says she's ok

    it all depend on your taste

  19. Well maybe it might not be beauty by looks. Everyone can be beautiful in some way besides looks

  20. I would like to think everyone is beautiful in their own way. Beauty comes for the inside, not just the outside appearance.

  21. No, absolutes are never true...unless you are talking about gravity.  However I could agree that "Most women are beautiful in some way".

  22. Not beauty like physical appearance. Beauty in their personatlities.

    But true, some women are just cranky.

  23. Yes they are beautiful in general.  The only ugly ones that I know of are mean spirited or souless or very selfish people.

  24. Yes. All women have something beautiful about them. Sometimes you have to look harder on some than others. For example, someone might not be pysically attractive, but be the most hilarious person you'd ever meet. Some may volunteer to help the sick or the poor. Others may be wonderful cooks, or artists, or whatever.

    Sometimes the physically gifted ones are the most ugly when you consider the package of attitiude and intelligence.

  25. The problem in answering this question lies with verbal obfuscation; what exactly does 'beautiful' mean? Some people are going to think of how a woman looks, some people are going to think of them as a person, etc. What you're asking isn't really all that clear, it's open to interpretation. When you say 'beautiful in some way' I wonder if you mean they have a quality that is good, or some way of looking at them makes them pretty.

    For answering your question, I'll assume that you A) mean physically attractive, and B) that you mean they can be see as attractive from the right angle.

    My answer is no. As horrible as that sounds to say, we're (most of us) adults here and can answer that question honestly. Let's not delude ourselves, I've seen some women that no matter what angle you look at them, there is zero attraction and I don't see how anyone could disagree. The girl I'm thinking of was a neat person though, and I liked her.

  26. Yes! I totally say yes! If a Ugly person see's a Ugly woman she might like him too! If a Ugly Man see's a buitiful woman she would probly like him. It doesn't matter if your ugly or not! It's how God CREATED US!!! He also created our information of what we like and what we hate!

  27. I think it's depending on who and what kind of wowen that you find attractive...Because in the eyes of the love one the person that they attract to is always the beautiful one even how ugly that person looks.

  28. no because there are alot of people out there that are extraordinarly ugly. that doesn't mean i am going to tell the people that but none the less.

  29. absolutely !!!, Women are to be loved ,and respected, and men that cant have issues that need to be resolved.

  30. I used to until I saw an episode of Wife Swap and saw a 500 pound CHRISTIAHAHAHNNNNNN!!!!!! (That's who she said it) She went to a house that believed in the occult so you can imagine how that went over, and the occult wife went to her house and had to deal with all her bitchy friends, you never saw such bitchy women all in the name of the Lord, or say they said. So I do have a hard time seeing any beauty in this woman or her friends.

  31. ALL women are beautiful in some way or another as all men as well. Sometimes the ugliness gets in the way, sometimes the beauty hides the ugliness just below the surface ready to erupt and engulf you in fire. But for most that the beauty is hard to find, you simply need to break the outer shell to reveal the scared, hurt little child crying inside.

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