
Do you believe in the saying that "no man is an island"?

by Guest33432  |  earlier

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Do you believe in the saying that "no man is an island"?




  1. yes because every thing a person wears, eats, enjoys, ect was provided by thw work of other persons. One cannot be entirely on their own as it says in the poem that this quote comes from we are at a loss if we seperate fron others as a country would be seperated from its continent and also as it says in the poem all human joys and sorrows are also our own we should mot isolate from others even those that annoy us they may have their reason how ever illogical for doing this. So, therefore, do not ask for whom the bell tolls, it tolls for you

  2. Well, I am an island when I stand up in the bath!  So I think it must be true!

  3. All men are islands, only some women do geography!

  4. yes, yes and yes although i wish it wasnt true at all.

  5. Yes.

    No man, however successful he is, EVER got there purely on his own.  He has the efforts of others contributing to his success.  Parents that cared for him, teachers that believed in him, comrades that worked with him.  

    He is never an isolated entity.   He is the sum of generations of efforts.

  6. Yes I do. No man is an island and to deliberately isolate one's self from the rest of humanity is to condemn yourself to a loneliness that you definitely do not deserve. Our fellow human beings provide us with a valuable part of the rich tapestry of life that each of us truly deserves.

  7. Yes this saying is true. It is known, via science (psychology specifically), that man has an urge to socialize. If you take a man and keep him in a room with no way of communicating with the outside world, that man would go stark mark. I actually moved out on my own a year ago. I keep in touch with my family, not as much as I like. I dont communicate with my landlord or roommate, and I seriously am feeling the affects of not socializing. I also dont socialize as much with my co-workers. Granted I am a depressed person the majority of the year, as I suffer from personality disorder (look it up, and not in wikipedia cause any idiot can put what they want in there). Because I am aware of my disorder I can feel and see what is happening to me. I never believed my dad when he said that, but being grown and on my own, I am sorry to have doubted what he said.

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