
Do you believe in the spirit world?

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After my fiance died, I felt his presence constantly for a few years, especially at night. I know I'm not crazy and I really believe in what I felt.




  1. Yeah.  I believe in the spirit world.  It's hard to say what spirit means, usually, however.  In this sense, presence or an invisible creature you can truly feel; not superstitious.

  2. there is  no such thing as a spirit world is just the laws of quantum mechanics, functioning in front of your eyes

    keep in fact that particles can travel to different dimensions at different  states so  if someone dies  there could possibly be at another dimension trying to communicate with you but they can because the dead person is at a parallel dimension.

    that is my theory why dead people try to communicate with us but dont send the message clearly

  3. I am so very sorry for your loss. Of course, you are not crazy. The reason people say this (and other nasty things) is because they are not sensitive, in that not everyone has the ability to see/feel things that are not of this world. OR they are too scared. Because of these things, they cannot or will not believe. I have had many experiences to know that there is a spirit world. My mom (who is SUPER religious and will not talk about this) grudgingly admits she lived in a haunted house. The landlord could not get anyone to stay there. She has not lived there for years and still gets pale when she talks about it. My last house was haunted and even my husband had to admit it.

    So, you are not crazy, believe me. I think you probably have family members who are sensitive as well. I know I have a couple.  Not all of them are, though-very few of us.

  4. No, I don't believe in the spirit world so I can only conclude that you were imagining his presence.

  5. What you're feeling is likely psychological. Reflection of your own thoughts feelings and memories.

    According to modern principles it is only in rare circumstances the people leave any residual trace behind. Incidents of unusually strong or prolonged fear, sorrow or anger may leave traces around the place where they happened. What is left is an echo that has become worn into the fabric of a building or a site, it is byproduct of a person having been in a place, rather than the essence of the person.

  6. No your not Crazy... I have had that happen when a loved one has passed as well.

  7. You are certainly not crazy.  Feelings are very real and very physical.  They have nothing to do with a spirit world, which cannot even be verified to exist.  Belief is not the same as knowledge and doesn't reflect or prove any reality.  Belief is more like a wish that something were real.

    It is unfortunate that your fiance died but grief and loneliness can easily explain your feelings without resorting to spirits.

    I hope you eventually find a new love to replace your loss as I am sure your fiance would want you to do.

  8. Etheric and Astral planes of the reality spectrum, yes.

  9. Yes. Your are not crazy. Go to and you'll get plenty of books, cards, tapes, lectures, etc. covering this subject from all sides. From the dead to the 'undead'. and further.

    Enjoy, it is an interesting field of study.   Peace

  10. no ur not crazy,

    when a friend moved in with me i changed bedrooms ,she moved into my old one .one night she freeked out ,calling to me,iwent to her ,she was pale and shaken ,

    "tell that friend of yours you moved bedrooms ,he just came in and sat on the bed ,i felt the bed go down where he sat "

    my partner had died 12 months before .i did not speak much about him never told her that he had visited me twice in that room .

    ok i can understand that some people would think my wishfull thinking might conjure him up in my mind . but somebody who never knew him ? ,not influenced by me as i hardly mentioned him ,and never told any body about his visits .

    i asked her what he looked like ,she said "who knows ,i had my head under the covers ."  LOL...

    he'll stop visiting when ur ok and  move on .

  11. Yes what u feel is real Ur not crazy I believe when they hang around its because they don't no they are gone.

  12. Yes.  Our existence is spiritual.  We are temporarily in a physical manifestation.  

    Rely on your own perceptions of reality.   There are many things which we humans do not understand, but that does not mean that they are not real.  Our own experiences are a guide we should not dismiss because they do not fit with someone else's preconceived notions.

  13. Yes I know your not crazy... I too have felt their presence if I didn't see them.

    I am sorry for you loss....and I do know you will meet again.

    I do believe in the spirit world, especially when I am visited from a loved one from the other side, as she help me when I was in need, she encourage me to go on. You must of been in a lot of concern prayers at first, this is one of the reasons why they come, to communicate to let you know that they are okay, and not to worry. I am sure what he is trying to say to you is that he will always be there with you! When you die, it's not the end, but the beginning of a new.

    We are never alone~

  14. No I don't,I believe in memories of loved ones.They can be a great comfort.I wouldn't argue with anyone calling them spirits.

  15. Yes.

  16. I'm sure your feelings were sincere, but since I don't believe in the spirit world, I think that your emotional attachment to your fiance can explain your sense of closeness even when he was gone. I'm sorry for your loss.

  17. i TOTALLY believe. I don't know why ppl don't believe.

  18. I totally believe in the spirit world.  My husband was killed in March and I have felt him around me. Right after his accident I smelled wood smoke inside my house and I don't have a fireplace.  My husband always loved to burn wood in a barrel out in the bush.  My girlfriend smelled it the same day at a different time too.  I often catch things out of the corner of my eye and think it is him.

  19. It does not surprise me in the least that your fiance would be around for a while to let you know he was OK. and see how you were doing.

    Please don;t let these atheists get to you. A first hand experience beats a second rate opinion every time.

  20. yes i do believe in the spirit world. when my friend died a few years ago, i felt his presence all the time. i still do. it's like he's a guardian angel type thing now. you aren't crazy. everyone feels like a loved one is close at some point in their lives. some even feel other presences. and p.s. i believe what you felt is as real as you and me.

  21. u r freaking crazy lady!!! your fiance is dead so deal with it!!!!!!! thinking hes visiting u is crazy because trust me, he was sleeping with other women!

  22. for those who DON'T believe, no explaination is ever good enough, and for those who DO believe, no explaination is needed.  If you felt your fiance's presence around you, then he was with you.

  23. I've read the others... No you're not crazy! You're advance enough to know that it's possible. You know yourself that you have a spirit/soul/subconscious and this is what makes your body being alive. Without it you're dead. Like you're fiance, although, your soul lives forever. You even need not to believe, life tells you eventually. I do believe you that your friend came back to you, it was for the love of you. And eventually, he moves on and leaves you gradually.

    Take care.

  24. I have seen no reason or evidence to suggest there is a spirit world.  That doesn't mean you can't have a memory of a deceased person whom you cared for.

  25. yeah, we share the same space.

    the other side is three feet above ground level apparently.

    i read a book about it.

  26. There is more spirit to reality than science--we know that Heaven exists, so he's probably saying 'hi'. What a nice person.

  27. Sure it is possible. You lived with it for years, why are you asking now?

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