
Do you believe in this old wives tale?

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do you believe in the old wives tale if a bird flies into your house someone you love may die. well i kinda do because that happened to me and someone close to me once. but last summer my grandpa died about a month BEFORE a bird flew into my house. no one im close to died since. but just a few days ago my cousin who is one of my best friends had a bird fly into her house and she has no idea how it got in. has this ever happened to anyone?




  1. Considering the number of times a bird has flown into my house without lethal effect, I would have to say that your grandpa's death (may he rest in peace) was coincidental.

    Sadly, people die frequently. And, birds getting confused and flying into people's houses happens frequently.

    Frequency, not connection,  would seem to be the only thing these two things share.

  2. once a bird flew into our school..

    hmm too bad our principal didnt die.


    nah i dont believe old wives tales and superstitions.

    those are just a bunch of lies people from centuries before us made up from coincidences.

    dont worry about it..

  3. you are going to die, of a heart attack due to stress related to birds in the living room

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