
Do you believe in this ?

by  |  earlier

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in true love i mean iv always wanted somone who will run with me under the stars and run with me in the sprinklers and just sit their and talk and kiss in the rain someone who will ask me to prom and i will have a great time someone like that i mean if thats not true love what is anyway do u believe in true even though i havnt found it yet do you




  1. I believe in love. I've been with my boyfriend for almost 3 years now. We fight but we work it out. He kisses my forehead and hold my hand, picks me up and spins me in circles. He plays in the rain with me, and we have long conversations. So yes I beleive in true love, you just have to find the right person.

  2. i theory of  true love is that ... well there is no such thing...but hey...nothing wrong with love.  

  3. Hi Jojo,

      Yes i believe in True Love.That special someone that's always on your mind morning and night.Someone to care about you and check on you when your are sick. A honest and trusting person that would do anything for you. The best is he or she will always love you and will tell you that too.Yes True Love is out there My Friend,it's just finding the right one.

    Your Friend,


  4. honestly, my own opinion. i do not. XD i'm the type of person who doesn't believe in such things. I guess sure I liked a person once or twice, but even then I barely cared. I want to be a person who depends on a friend, not on a love partner. And i'm trying to keep as much distance as I can for even liking someone -- even though they probably wouldnt like me back.

  5. When,some one sarifices his all happiness&emotins on you

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