
Do you believe in those internet sites that give you psichic readings ?

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or those where you can use a ouija board to ask questions?




  1. As if psychics weren't untrustworthy enough in person?  Adding the Internet to the equation takes it into a whole new realm of con-artistry.

  2. its like saying its going to rain without telling u the exact time and date it all BS

  3. i am not one to just believe because someone says it is true nor am I one to judge another for what they claim they can do.

    I personally do not believe in them so therefore i would not put stock in what they say (not saying they are real or not). I know strange things happen in this world that can not be dismissed or explained even by the so-called skeptics who are so easy to jump up and swear it is crazy or untrue. the truth of the matter is no one knows all the answers and as much as others tell you it can't be proved also can they not disprove anything. At best they can assume but this helps no one.

    I have investigated the paranormal for over 30 years and in that time i have debunked more than I have not. But that is not saying that strange things have not happened or that no one can have such gifts. In the time i have done this i have never had anyone predict the future. To do this they would have to be 100% right all the time not just a percentage.

    The Ouija Board I have tried myself many times and have found no evidence it holds any power of any kind. After years of studies about the board and the design as well as the purpose behind the board the inventor made it for the purpose of entrainment.

    Unlike strange things happening there is nothing about the board to debunk as all the information ever documented was word of mouth. Knowing this i have to say that the answers are either unfounded or made-up but then we should ask ourselves do we close our minds and accept it is worthless? or do we allow ourselves to keep our minds open and keep on the quest of the journey of possibilities?

    My answer is we keep our minds open for only then can we continue to gain knowledge.

  4. no, but they believe in ur money

  5. Nope, it's all hocus pocus to me. How can a woman with a fake jamacan accent yelling at me over the TV possibly know anything of my future?

  6. yes and no. please dont play w/ the ouija board [even on the internet] ive learned my lesson. i get really weird feelings all the time like someone is watching me or that something is right behind me. its REALLY creepy. but as for the that's not real. it's programmed.

  7. The future doesn't exist yet, no-one can see it. Anyone who says they can is probably just after your money. I'm really surprised that in this day and age people still believe this stuff...

  8. no

  9. No.

  10. Yeah, s-u-r-r-e...see King Saul, for a true-life example:

  11. I don't believe Internet sites can give you a reading, and I'm not to sure about Ouija boards either.  I was raised by parents that thought Ouija boards are evil, but I don't believe that.  I've never attempted to use an Ouija board, but I find them fascinating!!

  12. No I do not.

  13. The internet sites are rigged, but some people can do it in real life by willing energy.

  14. Wow, I hope no one believes those.  It's a trick and/or a scam (trick if they just tell you, scam if they charge you for it - because there is no such thing as a psychic).  The future is not set; it can be changed.  And no one can see it.  So don't waste your time or money.

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