
Do you believe in time travel,or slips in time...?

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  1. No.

  2. I do, so did Einstein he believe in time travel, parallel universes and all sorts of things!

  3. Time is just a word. The reality is a sequence of events that can be sped or slowed down. MY guess only. Well what if two worlds meet. It is okay because it is a sequence of events touching each other only. Well what if the two worlds meet twice again already . I don't know . Maybe just a big crash.

  4. I do believe in them.  Anything is possible.

  5. i dont know whether you could actually time travel.. but i do know for sure that you can have visions of  the past or future..

  6. Time slips could be possible, although it seems to be a random phenomenon, only sparsely reported. If someone actually experienced one without losing their mind it would be amazing to hear what they encountered, however it would have no bearing for science since time slips could not be reproduced in a controlled environment.

  7. there is no truth in this world. for example, to a color blind person, red may not look red to them, but gray. if you go to china, the time is different. if you and another person witness an event, it is impossible to have seen the same event happening because you are two different people with two different mind. so, depending on your previous experiences, this will effect how you view the event and deliver your story. so obviously, there will be two different stories. and so on.

    just as these statements on having no truth, there is no time. time is just something that mankind created. time doesn't exist. so time travel, time slips, all possible.

  8. I went to that site...really made me think. Maybe that's how ufos can come from so far away so fast. Something to think about.

  9. Well nobody as the real answer to how we became, so all is possible.

  10. One answer has Einstein as believing that time is continuous, but in truth he proposed that time and space (as one physical entity) curves back into itself. In the Absolute, time and space do not exist, they are only constructs of our imagination and will. However, within the physical realm, all things, and I truly mean all things, are possible. Nothing excepted.

  11. I don't know but it facinates me-like in books and movies

    imagine being able to go back to your grandparents time

  12. I know of no instance where this has happened.  I know of no mechanism that would allow for such a thing to happen.  So, although it may be possible, I don't believe it's happening now.

    I'd also like to know how the grandfather paradox is addressed by those who believe in full-scale time travel.

    EDIT: There are some truly misguided answers here from the Post Modern vein of thought.

  13. The stories given on the website are quite interesting and, no doubt, give a person goosebumps. But as for validity and falsity, I would have to straddle the fence here. There is no physical proof to point out that time travel exists. But also, on the other hand, there is not any proof on the contrary either - who's to say that time travel doesn't exist without proving that it doesn't?

    People who actually experience such journeys including time travel, loss of time, or time slips are quite hard to explain but they CAN be explained - although perhaps poorly and grabbing at threads. For instance, the man going to a meeting and getting sidetracked for about 600 miles could have, maybe, inhaled some sort of toxic fumes from his car and became delusional, wandering aimlessly, being picked up by strangers, slipping onto subways or busses.... As I said, this is grabbing at very thin threads but it isn't unheard of for this sort of thing to happen rarely. As for the man trying to rescue his dog in the electrical storm, he could have become disoriented with the electricity in the air...

    On the opposite hand, how could the man sent to investigate purple lights be gone for a total of fifteen minutes but look as though he had been gone for several days? How can the first man I mentioned above have wandered on toxic fumes for over 600 miles? These instances are quite random and cannot seem to be explained with such normal and skeptical explanations.

    In my personal opinion, how can we scientifically even think about something like this existing without thinking or at least imagining that it really does? People believe in Santa Claus when he isnt real... People believe in a million dollars when they can't actually see it.... People even believe in television pictures without ever knowing or even caring how exactly they got onto the television screen... How can we dare say that time travel or time slips exist without physical or scientific evidence that blunlty states that they do not? Much like ghosts and other paranormal phenomenon, how can we DARE say these things are a figment of the imagination when we do no konw for sure that they really are?

  14. Sorry no slips in time, just action moving forward wish  it could be done though.

  15. Time travel? Only forward, never backwards.

  16. Time is a dimension just like height, width , and length. I believe it will be possible to travel this dimension like all the others

  17. I know that you are always traveling in time by one second it is how time works!

  18. Read a fascinating book on time travel by famous UFO researcher, Jenny Randles. Her book, "Time Storms", published in 2001, 'investigates cases of mysterious clouds that create distortions in the flow of time and space'.

  19. I have a few times when time slowed down for me and the immediate area surrounding me. So yes, I believe it. Because I have experienced it.

  20. time is continuous, i do not believe.

  21. yes i believe. i think that it is possible we are being visited and guided from our future earth to correct our mistakes.

  22. i do believe it happens.......

  23. I guess it depends on which law of physics one backs. If you back old school thought, the Einsteins General Law which  says time is continuous. But if you back the Quantum Law then you believe there are ripple and waves in time, the possibility of parallel universes.  Cant wait to hear the science based answers to this one. I may not have the complete understanding, but I understand enough to know there is a battle in physics trying to join the two and for over 30 years, they havent been able to do it, so lets hear it guys.

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