
Do you believe in true evil in humans?

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When someone commits heinous acts against another, say a mass murderer, or something like that, do you believe it's solely due to the fact that they are mentally deranged, that is, that it's psycological, or do you believe that actual evil can exist in people and that it goes beyond being a scientific mental issue?




  1. Yes. There have been cases where people have murdered several spouses or children for money. These people don't seem to be under any physchological burden or suffer from remorse. Thankfully, I think it is rare.  

  2. i think they are pure evil... they are messed up

  3. Evil is Live spelled backwards.

    It's a name for the direction that life energy is flowing.

    So if a Wolf eats a Rabbit that's Good for the Wolf & Evil for the Rabbit.

    Humans are alive and therefore Evil to anything or anyone we outcompete.

    You are asking if I believe in Lunch.

    True evil exists in all life, not just humans.

  4. Gravity is found in space, on our planet, in spirit, and in mind.

    There is a quote that applies here; "we are what we think about all day long." Gravity is the sole control of energy-matter. If we dwell on a thought, idea or purpose it will come to pass for it will cause us to act. If our actions are only on our values, of self, we will be acting a little above the animal level. If our values are of a higher level we must act on that level.

    All normal minds have within, a spark of spirit to guide, the mind must be willing to choose spirit over self, this is the beginning or the end. For as we think we are.

  5. goes beyond being a scientific mental issue...more like pure enjoyment...sad to say...

  6. we all have the same capacity for evil. some people allow themselves, to drop all boundaries holding them together. evil is a lack of attachment. as one lets go of healthy attachments, to bond with satanic ones they become more bonded to evil. if someone isnt given any attachments, for example ferrel children, these are just poor lost animals, who refuse to see their creator.  

  7. I believe some people have been

    abused, and do horrible acts to

    others.  They never received the

    counseling needed.

    Others possess real evil, and

    are dangerous.

  8. The seed of evil in humanity is planted when an individual disposes of sound reasoning when it conflicts with that individuals personal beliefs or desires.

  9. I believe that pure evil in people do exist, and I believe that evil is satan.

  10. Yes I believe in pure evil, when you watch the news today and see what's going on in the world how can you not believe that pure evil exsists.

  11. I'm 47 and I have seen bad people and I've seen evil up close and very personal. There are what is called Bad Seeds out there.

  12. Actually, I don't.

    "Bad" just means "I don't like it"

    "Evil" is a four letter word for bad.

    Are there people out there who are anti-social, mentally ill, or otherwise don't belong in the kind of society I want to live in?  Yup!  Sure are.

    Does that mean I get to play God and declare them Evil?  Nope.

  13. The people themselves are not evil, but Yes, the evil is IN THEM. Satan tempts people, so like someone else said, the evil is Satan. But I wouldn't say that a human being by himself/herself is evil.

    Hope that made some sense?

  14. I think they are either mentally ill, or are pure evil. Their "evilness" probably stems from something happening in their life. There is always a psychological explanation for the way people are.

  15. Mammals (as an animal specie) cannot be evil.

    All humans are mammals.

    Therefore, all humans cannot be evil.

  16. I do think there is pure evil in people. Look at things like you described. There is something wrong with a person who can take innocent lives and not think anything of it.  

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