
Do you believe in unconditional love?

by Guest63838  |  earlier

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Unfortunately, people are becoming more and more selfish and materialistic. The rate of divorce is soaring and partners often cheat on each other. So, does unconditional love still exist? And why is it becoming more rare?




  1. Are you sure that you clearly understand a meaning of unconditional? That what you wrote in addition to your question is  another condition..Love without condition (absence of conditions) allows to Love selfish and materialistic people..more over, love without conditions allows you to Love all the existence with no exceptions...So there is no like/dislike because or that's why...It is just Love...Are you sure that love you know about is that unconditional One which may and will embrace anything and everything? Ok, there is a clue...Love does not have a degree but have a forms...There is another...Love without conditions cannot exist in a mind or comprehended by mind, for the mind is the device which literally creates and multiplies conditions...Yet anything is possible, just dig dipper... and let me be sure that meaning of Unconditional Love is understood, not as those which breakes apart fundamentally expencive bed in your parents bedroom...

  2. No, it's not real. There's no such thing as love without a condition, that would suggest someone loving another person for absolutely no reason.

    There is always a condition, even between mother and child, the condition simply being that they're mother and child.

    I'd go into more detail and examples, but seriously, I shouldn't have to.

  3. I believe in unconditional love but only from the Heavenly Father. Some people may believe in unconditional love but how many relationships have really been tested. I read an article about a couple who was married for years and their love was tested by the death of their son. I believe that when love goes through a difficult test or trial the true essence of that love is revealed. I don't people are becoming more and more selfish. We were all born selfish. I do believe people are becoming less tolerant of other people's mistakes. Also if you look at today's news, children are not learning empathy. Today's children are the future and it's scary to read a news article about a 10 year old boy who beat a 3 year old little girl with a baseball bat because she was in his way when he was playing a video game. It's harder to forgive a man who cheated but men (and women sorry males) have been cheating for years. Back in the day divorce was a lot harder. Hope this helps

  4. One must have faith to maintain "unconditional" love.  

    Hate is suppressing the love in the world.  The world is literally dying, because it's people don't love anymore.

  5. Love is considering the self interest of another as though it were your own.  

    It is what allows us to form couples groups and nations.

    So Love is REALLY important, because it's hard to survive without it.

    But UNCONDITIONAL Love is quite dangerous.   It means you are committing your time, energy & even your safety, to look after some person or group that isn't returning the favor.  

    Unconditional Love doesn't mean your partner won't cheat, it means you will endlessly forgive them for doing so.  

    So to be blunt: The condition FOR Love should BE Love.

    Materialism & Selfishness are PROFOUNDLY misunderstood.  

    Love does not come from Selflessness.  It comes because group Selfishness is more effective than individual Selfishness.  Life endures through self interest, to wish for selflessness is to wish for death.

    Life is desire & energy moving MATERIAL.   It has always been, & can be nothing other than MATERIALISTIC.    

    The 'oh so spiritual' love of God means NOTHING unless believers provide MATERIAL help to those in need.  Which is more or less what Jesus said in the parable of the Good Samaritan. (Luke 10:25-37)

    Divorce rates are soaring because Liberals, largely inspired by Marx, are attacking Religion while ignoring its secular equivalent which is Darwinism.

    Religion says "Be fruitful & multiply"  Darwinism says "The goal of life is procreation"

    Liberalism says "g*y Love is the same as Straight Love."

    Do you see the disconnect?

    The divorce rate is high because people are NOT being taught that the Point of Existence is having & raising children.  It's high because they don't know this is the 'Meaning of Life'.

    Feminist teach Life is the COMPETITION between men & women for power.

    When it is the COOPERATION between men & women for children.

    Liberals teach Life is the pursuit of some nebulous sense of self fulfillment.  E.g. A woman should never let marriage & children 'get in the way' of a prestigious career.

    Men are taught that you 'score' by f*cking & discarding as many women as possible - when what matters is the woman you keep & the children you provide for.

    The PROBLEM is that we are not SELFISH enough.  

    We are teaching our children to find pleasure in things that are NOT in their self interest.

    We are teaching them to Unconditionally Love things that do not return the favor.

  6. In one sense, everything has conditions. You don't fall in love with just anyone, you fall in love with a person who meets certain conditions; usually it's a combination of factors that attracts us to a particular person, it's not exactly random.

    However, I do feel that when you truly love a person, you become accepting of ALL their traits, taking the good with the bad for the most part. You can bargain and choose while you're shopping around, but it's not a part of a loving relationship to keep putting up conditions. So in this sense, love is unconditional. And I believe that it exists (just look at happy couples who have been together for many years).

  7. I am so glad you asked this question. I really do believe in unconditional love, but I feel it takes someone on a higher awareness level. I have seen so often people who love another will put boundaries on that love. Such as, "If that person loved me he/she would not do this". To have unconditional love for another you need to have acceptance of that person and love them with all of the gifts and faults in life and not put boundaries upon the love that you feel.

    Also it could be insecurity of an individual that lacks the ability to understand unconditional love. Example (and this is a simplified and silly one), a women says "If he loves me he would not look at that girl across the table with us admiringly". The woman is feeling insecure; therefore, she has put a boundary on the man's love, when the fact that if he does look or not does not change that way he feels about her. Yes, you can go on about “respect” in this situation (as I said this is silly and simplified example), but unconditional love is not controlling… it is about acceptance.

  8. I think it still exists for a very few people. I honestly believe me and my fiancee are one of those couples that absolutely love each other unconditionally. Why is it becoming rare? Well, when you have say one family with three children and their parents divorce, those kids don't get to see and experience unconditional love between their parents. Since children look to their parents to teach them most of life's lessons, they are missing out on this. These three children will likely have at least one or two unsuccessful "marriages", producing offspring of their own, and the cycle continues. Actually it not only continues, it increases the number of people who don't know what unconditional love really is.  

  9. I do not believe anymore in unconditional love between a man and a woman. The only person I unconditionally love forever is my daughter.  

  10. Simple Answer: YES.

    Until the present and future generations REESTABLISH the ole traditional values which our forefathers and their fathers used to build the earlier world, unconditional love will become just a memory.

    Nobody wants to make the first move to RETURN to traditional values. It is always THE OTHER GUY'S responsibility. That attitude will only continue to erode what few values we have.

    Remember the ole saying: Monkey SEE Monkey DO. Our children will see the behavior and continue to erode values. But if they SEE their parents turning the tide, THEY WILL FOLLOW.

  11. Nothing is more beautiful love on this earth than an unconditional love..A love free from inhibitions from best to worst. A love that is so genuine and true without questioning the flaws in life when it truly exist in one's heart. It is a sweet sacrifice throwing the ego away. As beauty only lingers in the heart and with those eyes that would see. It doesn't really mean stupidity, instead that nothing only matters at all. It means full acceptance of everything beyond what the other can be. Expanding only by bringing out the best of the other can be and graciously. Seeing those imperfections with boundless of excuses but guiding throughout. Understanding with so much love and unending compassion..As it stays in your heart and mind that nothing else can cure anything worst other than with your love. It is not only the physical body's strength that emits the power of unconditionnal love, It is also the strength of the heart and soul. It can endure any physical pain and sacrifices. That can bear even the most unbearable.. Have we ever heard of such a love like one?

    It is so difficult in earth to survive as the ego comes always first..And sometimes it was hard understood impracticality. Yet, beyond anything or even everything else, There lies a love so pure and beautiful. Then eternally it does exist hiding from eachone of our shadows beside the reality we only use to dwell upon in our lives. It is a kind of a boundless amiable love that is so forgiving and true. Waiting for its seeking and yet unfound..It is still locked by the doors of our very own flaws.

  12. Only between parent and child and this isn't universal.  

  13. Are you aware that the rate of divorce has been declining for the last 20 years?  That it's in fact lower than it was in 1946?  A lot of the notions about how 'corrupt' people are getting are really not based on anything real (link 1).

    Does unconditional love still exist?  Sadly, yes.  And it is sad.  Think about what it would mean:  it's not just seeing someone's 'good points'... because there are no conditions, there doesn't have to BE any good points.  It means the feeling you have for that person is completely out of touch with reality in any way.  There is a term for this in psychology:  psychotic.

    Yes, there are people whose feelings have nothing to to with the world they live in at all.  I can only pity them and hope that they someday get better.  Peace.

  14. I do...

    I recently had a classic example of it...

    I lost her July 29th, 2008...

  15. I was a non believer until the first time I held my son...

  16. I know that unconditional love exists, but I agree that it is becoming more rare.  It seems we have become more of a "me" oriented society & as you said more materialistic.  Which is sad.  Hopefully, those of us that have children can teach them to be less self-centered & more loving. Perhaps uncondtional love can make a "comeback"  :)

  17. I believe in it. Implementing unconditional love is tough and it take a touch of the devine to actually be able to love unconditionally.

    It is rare because it is perfect and selfless.  

    We are naturally flawed as human beings and have the natural tendency towards selfishness so we start at a disavantage because we are human.

    I believe it is getting rarer because our faith in anything beyond what we can see and feel is getting rarer.

    I also love box of rains answer because you know the love is unconditional when you are willing to do anything to keep that person safe, even die for that person.

    I am not sure anyone can stay in that state of unconditional love for someone, but with a bit of luck.. when we need it most, I think we can catch glimpses of that kind of love and the glimpses are what help us keep going from day to day.

  18. Well, I believe the love you talk about never did exist. Marriage is unnatural.  If marriage existed when man first did, then humans would not survive today.  Marriage simply limits mans ability to reproduce.

  19. well, if in the case of abuse and cheating, it shouldnt.. but, havnt you watched springer? apparently there are people who will stay with the one who hurt them cause "they love them so much.. " but i think in most other cases, like my own, there can be unconditional love... its what true love is made of.. the ability to love even through faults arguments, and misunderstandings... it is possible, just so very rare!!! not many are willing to make that kind of commitment...

  20. The reason why human relationships are radically different than in the past, is because of social/economical factors, and not because of the lack of unconditional love.Love, as well as EVERYTHING in our human hearts and minds, is (almost-,let's say there are some people out there a little more altruistic than others) always conditional. And personally I see absolutely no problem with that.

    Heh, people in the past were most likely worse than us when it came to sensitivity(look at human rights, rights for women and animals)after all.

  21. i still believe in unconditional love. it's a sad thing about people separating.  other things i guess are too powerful for love to conquer it. unconditional is what it really is-rare. but it exist in the merest moments of our lives, can be felt with the even the slightest nudge of our pets who dearly loves us, to friends who are always ready to lend a shoulder to cry on, and for the happy moments goofing around with my brother and cousin, and for my parents who still put up with me even with my shortcomings. =)

  22. Yes. God has shown us unconditional love.

  23. Yes unconditional love does exist. Cheating on someone actually has nothing to do with love. In my opinion, love is emotional. s*x is physical. If my husband cheated on me I would be deeply hurt. But I would still love him. I may even leave him but my love for him would still be there. This is unconditional.


  25. Love is conditional between human beings.  That's why we say the wedding vows, to clarify the "conditions" of marriage for crying out loud.  We as humans come up with far more in the overall scheme of life long relationships, what we want and don't want.  

    You cannot love someone who is not lovable.  You cannot love someone who does not love you back in loving ways.  So, I believe love is definitely conditional between humans and to believe otherwise is to be ignorant.  How on earth can you love someone who is cheating on you, beating you, hurting your childlren, who's high on drugs or drunk all the time, who sucks the life out of everybody around them.  

    Love is conditional.  It requires loving attitudes and actions or else it's just a four letter word that means nothing at all.

    People talk "about" love, they write poems "about" love, a love that's starry eyed and filled with dreams and passions.  But love is about life, living day to day, hurting each other and being able to work it out, it's standing with each other, it's commitment, it's faith, it's hope, it's work.  When people today have full understanding that love is an action word, it gets off its **** and works, it's not simply dreamy starlight and s*x, then marriages will not be lightly entered into with fairy tale dreamy eyed, unrealistic expectations.  

  26. Another term for this type of love is unrequited.  It is the type of love that a mother has for her offspring.  For two adults to have such love it takes mental maturity.  This type of love between two adults is likely to exist from the beginning of the relationship but is part of the growth of the individuals and the relationship.  Yes, this type of love still exists. Why do you assume that this type of love is becoming more rare?  Is there some reason that you suspect this?  I don't think that it can be shown that this type of love is rare.  I don't think that it is more rare.  

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