
Do you believe in welfare?

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Is it good/bad? Any thoughts/comments?






  2. Helping people in need is a great thing.  However, it shouldn't be the governments job to do it.

    You and I should be able to choose how much we give to the needy and the delivery system for those contributions.  The government is an unwieldy beast and the possibility of them creating a class of people that survive on the work of others is too great.


  3. i totally agree it totally raises the price on our taxes and most of the people that are on it are payed "under the table" so they don't even pay taxes!!!!

    but i do think its a good to help the people who need it

  4. i think people abuse it and try to live on it so they dont have to get their lazy butts up to work but for the people that dont abuse of it and actually need it for a lil while, it a great thing  

  5. I think it is unhealthy with an 8 trillion dollar government debt we are even talking about wealth redistribution.  In the United States even our poorest citizens enjoy luxuries unheard of in other parts of the world and even earlier generations of america.  

  6. Thomas Jefferson wrote in The Declaration of Independence that the purpose of government was to provide for the welfare of the public,  so I kind of agree with that. In the broad sense welfare can means the military, police, schools and other governmental services we expect.  Which doesn't mean that people should just be given handouts without stipulations or controls or restitutions of some sort. It also doesn't mean that businesses should be given unnecessary tax breaks which amount to welfare and the superrich and they (businesses) are allowed to pay no taxes through loopholes.

  7. No, I think it's far too easy to scrub off the system. As the other person mentioned, they actually have classes on how to fill out the paperwork properly in order to maximize their "earnings". It's not fair that OUR hard earned money is going to people who are too lazy to get out of bed in the morning.

  8. no i believe that if you want to eat,work. welfare should not be a way of life, but a safety net that should not be used and abused. maybe the attitude of welfare queens who procreate without regard of how to support them would change if there was a mandatory sterilization act for chronic welfare frauds

  9. it is good if you can come up with a plan that will keep free loaders off of it.

  10. No..welfare is bad.

    Before welfare people took what ever job they could get their hands on..but now a days people expect a hand has gotten so out of control that some schools in the east actually have classes on how to fill out the paperwork.

    Free money, free health care, free food..why would anyone want  to work.

    Granted there are some that could use the help..but that is very few.

  11. i think most people that are on it are either abusing it or are too lazy/stupid to do something productive with their lives. i think it should be given in the form of job training, or people should have to do something for it like pickup trash on highways.

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