
Do you believe in your Zodiac?

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It just crossed my mind when I pass by on a certain site. I was curious to see what my zodiac said for the day, and I was really amazed on what it was said. Are those horoscope reading is true? And the thing that really caught me is how they describe my zodiac sign. Honestly speaking some of them were true. Now my question is do you believe in this? And how does it affects your life?





  1. The zodiac has shifted since it was written and is no longer accurate, plus, one of the signs, serpentarious has been removed to make the signs an even length and match the months.  So i don't believe in modern zodiac

  2. sorta kinda not really, well sometimes.


  3. sometimes I think there is some truth in them yet other times I think they do generalise a bit , If i'm having a bad week I look to them for reassurance which is really sad but reading them can become addictive!

  4. The signs of the zodiac no longer correspond to the constellations for which they were named over 2,000 years ago.

    This fact is because of precession of the equinoxes.

    Back then, the sun was in the part of the sky called Aries at the spring equinox, but it is now in the constellation Pisces, and is actually moving on toward the constellation Aquarius.

    So sun "signs" are off by about one and a half constellations.

  5. Most of the time I don't.

  6. horoscopes are designed to be vague on purpose. people forget the ones that don't apply to them and remember the ones that do.

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  8. I read my horoscope, but I do not plan my days by it.  I do not believe in the Zodiac in that aspect.  However, as far as personality goes, I have found that the Zodiac is pretty dead on.  I have a couple of Astrology books and by reading up on all of my friends' signs I have gained a better understanding of what makes them tick.  I have also come to discover things about my own personality that I never realized before.

  9. i don't believe it, if i was born an hour earlier i would be a completely different zodiac sign, besides, if you check lots of different sites not a single one will be the same, and some will be completely contradictory

  10. I hate it xD. I try so hard NOT to believe in it, or any other superstitious topics (typical Virgo =P), but the coincidences? There are WAY too many. If everyone took the time to read their charts, I bet this world would have a better understanding of themselves. I hate that I believe it, but I do. And of course, some people aren't exactly like their signs, and that's fine too. If everyone was exactly like their signs, life would be horrible.


  11. No...not at all.

  12. i kinda believe in it. if it tells me to try something out i do it...

  13. No , God set the stars and planets in heaven . Yes they are signs . God did this for us to know the Endtimes. Satan uses for bad.


  14. I dont really pay it much mind. I check it once in a good while but it's only for fun.

  15. Mine is Pisces, and I am VERY like what it says a Pisces personality is for a girl, though I am slightly more assertive.

    I see this as a coincidence.

    No way is everyone like their star signs.

    My sisters are nothing like theirs, and my best friend is nothing like hers.

  16. Yes. Mine's true at least once a year.

  17. i believe in my zodiac! but not always in my horoscope, i do believe some people can tell the future from the stars (after all thats how the ancient egyptians do it) but some are just fakes!!

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