
Do you believe in zombies?

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Do you believe in zombies?




  1. no

  2. NO, don't even ask stuff like that

  3. watch congress on cspan

  4. sadley, no.  There is scientifically no way a body can rise after it's been killed.  I wish there was though, that would be flippin' awesome!  Wait!...  I believe in spirits, and spirits can take control of objects, which includes a body dead or alive... (GASP!)  BELIEF!!!!!!!!!!  BELIEF!!!!!!!!!!!!

  5. I used to be married to one.  At least he acted that way. :P

  6. it depends ....if by zombie you mean mindless drone feasting on the knowledge of others then yes i do ...heck if paris hilton can make a career being bludgeoned to death in a variety of horror flicks then perhaps zombies are real!

    But no all i dont believe in them ...that'd just be silly ;)

  7. I believe in Rob Zombie.

  8. Interesting question - if you mean the zombies of movie-land, the answer is:  No.

    However, there have been accounts of people "rising" from the dead in Haiti and going back to their families.  Certain people claim to hold the secret of a powerful chemical which will produce death like symptoms, no heartbeat, no pulse, etc., when in fact the person is in a catatonic state and the only way to revive them is to give them another chemical which will revive the person.  These people are said to be zombies.  Medical science has been trying to duplicate these chemicals without success.  If you have a chance, please watch a movie called "The Serpent & The Rainbow".  This movie is loosely based on a true story about zombies in Haiti.  So, to conclude - in answer to your question of "do you believe in zombies" my answer would be (based on my above answer and not about movie-land):  Yes.

    Have a lovely rest of the evening.

  9. ill second that..Rob Zombie is awesome, lol not to mention Sheri is s**y as f**k

  10. No...but I could pass for one on Monday mornings.

  11. I love zombies!

    But do I believe in them? No. I wish they existed though. My husband has this "How to Survive" book about zombies in our bathroom. When I first started reading it and it said about the accounts of zombie sightings I thought it was true. But unfortunately it wasn't.

  12. Yes. They lurk at night and stir in shadows or dark rooms by day. They'll only eat your brain if you let them tho. They aren't usually too hungry. So that's a good thing.... They may also have a bit of narcolepsy, so the chances are even better. Don't worry too much. If they aren't in your social circle, you're doing just fine.

  13. No thats all movies and special effects

  14. I'm borderlined on the whole supernatural thing. Except for Psi abilities. For reasons unknown to most people, I totally believe in ESP.

    Umm, Google voodoo. It's an actual religion!! I was shocked, but in Haiti it'sd still practiced.

    Necromancy/Necromancers you should Google too, because Necromancers raise the dead, and Necromanyc is the art of raising the dead. Pretty cool stuff. And don't listen to those people out there that say stuff like 'Don't ask questions like this.' What, you're not allowed to be curious? And IT IS in the Mythology and Folklore section, not in like, the Hair section, so I'm thinking that you're allowed to ask these kinds of questions.

    Hope I might have helped a little bit!!

    -PSI-FI Out

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