
Do you believe it's ok to smack a child?

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Personally, I don't. I believe that children are too small to be hit and that parents should find another way to discipline.

I have 3 children aged 5 and under.




  1. Not on the face or anything, but on the butt is fine. As long as it's not beating the living h**l out of them. And definitely not for every little thing. Only for serious life or death situations and as a last resort.

  2. Only maybe a small smack on the back of the hand hard enough to tingle.  Just for shock, not for pain.  If the kid cries, it probably IS shocked, and cross too:)  Doesn't mean he/she is in pain.  And I think only kids 2 or 3 should have smacks on the hand.  AND, I don't believe a small smack on the hand is spanking.  I think of spanking as repeatedly smacking a bottom either clothed or bare, either with an open hand or with a wooden spoon or something.  And I don't believe that's good.  I also don't think, if you DO smack a hand, you should leave a mark or handprint.  Like I said, it should just tingle, not REEEAALLY sting.

  3. I choose not to... because it shows a lack of control of myself.  

    However, I have done & would do again if I felt it was the most suitable form of discipline..... & sometimes it is.

  4. sometimes its fine!

  5. I don't think that hitting is a respectful or effective way to communicate any message to anyone, adult or child.

  6. Spanking or smacking does for children what wife beating does for marriage.

  7. Firstly it depends. I mean there's a limit. If it's just a small smack on the hand and not a huge smack or punch in the face then that's ok in my opinion. BUT it shouldn't be overdone either, otherwise you're just hitting the child for everything and they're just gonna learn that hitting is the only thing that resolves anything. If they do something really naughty, and you give them a smack on the hand, which you don't do very often, at least they'll be like "wow i mustv'e done something REALLY wrong"

    Edit: Just to add, I think there is no right or wrong way to raise a child. I think in my definition of smacking, it's ok to smack a child very rarely. But there are other ways of disciplining. People who say that parents who smack their children have no parenting ability is wrong. Parenting is one of them things where there is not one way of doing things, but a variety of ways, and there is no wrong or right...well there is a wrong if we're talking about extremes like child abuse. But it depends on the person, and how they want to raise their children.

  8. if they are naughty they should be left with a pair of red raw butt cheeks

    it's the only way they know right from wrong is to have wrong done on them

    only do it if they do something really bad though

  9. Smacking and spanking or two very different things.

    I agree with spanking; in moderation. It shouldn't be used as an everyday punishment but every now and than a spank on the bottom is okay. I was spanked and turned out fine. Parents have

    all different ways of disciplining their kids. Their child, their decision. It really isn't any of your business..

  10. yes

  11. Never ok to spank a child in my book.

  12. no i dont believe in smacking my children they get sent to the naughty spot for time out

  13. NO!

  14. I have a 3 year old boy and a 4 and a half year old girl, and they don't get hit. They get time out! Some parents think smacking works, and it doesn't, Its still giving the child attention, even negative. Time out is the way to go!

    Dont get me wrong, at times I have smacked them when they are about to something very dangerous. Its a reaction I think, but this has happens very minimal.

    My children are well behaved without all the smacks :)

  15. hands , bottom yes, face NO!!!!!

  16. Tuesday nights...i believe....on ABC 8pm  the nanny comes on. Better yet, apply for the show and get some help on how to deal with this.

  17. well define smack? a tap on the hand or butt is reasonable to me a slap across the face is not

  18. no I don't agree with smacking,hitting or spanking because its considered child abuse and I'm against it 100% a child should not suffer like that

  19. I believe that if you have exhausted all other means and your child is still behaving badly or doing something dangerous then a smack on the bum or a tap on the hand is ok.  I dont believe that anything other than that is acceptable although my mother gave us a clip round the back of the head (more of a shove than anything) if we were rude and i have done that to my son a couple of times.  And by that i dont mean i hit him hard round the back of the head its not done to hurt.

  20. Yes I believe in spanking a child. It is sometimes necessary.

  21. No, its never ok to hit or smack a child. There are other more effective ways to discipline a child.

  22. If you would like 16,000 (16,708 to be exact) opinions on this very issue, just type "spanking" in the search box.  This question is asked constantly.

  23. i got hit on the bum when i was younger, it didnt mess me up, my parents arent abusive and i dont resent them.

    i think if you dont hit them a hard  you posily can and you only hit them on the bum it works well.

    its a deterent to do bad thing, but dont smack them too much, it will become totally meaningless.

  24. no I am STRONGLY  against any form of child physical discipline. I beleive it leads to worse problems and behaviour. You cant hit your spouse so why hit your child children need more protection not less. As a child I was hit with a hairbrush, a wooden spoon or an open hand and often in anger. It has left me fearful and angry. I do agree with discipline through other means such as taking away privileges and time out they are effective and cause no damage. Kids do need to learn boundaries.

  25. Hitting children shows a lack of parenting ability. Hitting a child is often due to a loss of temper by the parent. You can be convicted of an offence for hitting an adult so how can it be okay to commit the same act of violence on a child?? Violence breeds violence. If you hit your child, do not be surprised if they grow up to hit other people because they learn by example. There are so many appropriate non-abusive ways to manage a child's behaviour, such as naughty step, grounding, no treats, explaining why it is wrong - there is no need for violence.

  26. I dont believe it is right, but a little smack on the hand will do them no harm, when i was little we used to have a hand print on our legs but it didnt harm us, if you can go so far as to slap in the face, or used clenched knuckles then that is completely wrong, a child needs to learn right and wrong as its all part of growing up, as it part of growing up a parent should understand that, and realise that if they throw a punch at their child if it is naughty then they are messing up a childs head, also teaching it how to be violent, because to do exactly what you teach them, but to answer your question, it is wrong and there are other ways to discipline a child x

  27. i hit my son wen he is naughty

    he is 22 months old

  28. no i dont beleive in smacking a child

  29. as a mum (and former teacher) i have come to the conclusion that better a tap on the butt than they run into the road and get killed

    i am not in favour of undisciplined discipline (aka abusive beatings)

    i think tho that there are other (and better ways) of disciplining a child for most offences

    hence i believe that smacking ought to be used sparingly for offences that cant be reasoned with in other ways

  30. no

  31. I think that half of the problem with today's teenagers is that they have missed out on basic discipline. If we aren't allowed to punish children for their actions, or at least expect them to face consequences for thier actions, then the stabbings, shootings, gang violence and anti social behaviour will no doubt get more out of hand.

    A firm talking to and a slap on the wrist is appropriate discipline for a child who has been naughty and stepped out of line, if it is ignored, then that small child becomes an agressive teenager, who listens to and respects nobody because their behaviour, whether good or bad, has always been ignored.....

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