
Do you believe it is important to vote for County Commissioner? Why or why not?

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A County Commissioner is a person who runs a county. Like a mayor, he/she is the cheif executive of the county.

In your opinion, do you believeit is important to vote for County Commissioner of the county you reside in? Why or why not?




  1. The county commissioner makes decisions that impact your life a lot more directly than the President or Governor do.  Do you like Street lights, paved roads?  Guess who has the most direct impact on that?   Your county government!!

  2. because if you don't vote you will wind up with a crooked cty commisisioner like all the ones we have here in oklahoma

    where our roads don't get fixed and the only county business that ever gets taken care directly benefits the commissioners

  3. I live on the border next to Mexico -- a country that  is rife with corruption and graft.  That culture spills over into the U.S. so taking bribes and abuse of power is very common in this border region.  Absolutely, voiting for a county commissioner is important as is voting for the judges and the sheriffs because they all work together and frequently come into office under a particular regime that colludes and collaborates in ways to benefit themselves and not necessarily the people or correct order of law.  I encourage everyone to get to know who is running for local office and I actively get media involved where ever possible because the media does have the power to keep some of these leaders from turning crooked or getting them out of office when they turn bad.

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