
Do you believe it is possible to be a RACIST and a Nobel Prize winner? Why and HOW?

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Do you believe it is possible to be a RACIST and a Nobel Prize winner? Why and HOW?




  1. hmm watson, why he is "intelligent". how a committee picks him. its kind of like hitler

  2. Yes, it is only their scientific research that are being rewarded, in a specific branch of science. But this person you are refering to would propably not have received  the prize,had his racist views been known at the time.

  3. They made the same mistake with him as they did way back when, with Piltdown Man.

  4. Yes, Watson seems to have proved that it is indeed possible.  I am sure there were many racists if you define racists as someone who thinks there are significant differences in races.  They obviously don't have very high standards as recent winners show.

  5. I think he believes his results, his life as a scientist is the numbers. right or wrong, i belive he belives in what he sees, africans failed tests more often than anyone else giving them a lower average on a sample of 10 people of each race from each state.

    Is he racist, i dont think so..

    just a number cruncher reporting what the last crunch shows...

  6. Some guy was recently accused of being a racist.  He denies it.  He claims that intelligence doesn't dictate whether someone is a good person or not.  Sense I don't know him I'm going to take his word for it and assume he's telling the truth.  Just because he isn't racist doesn't mean it isn't possible that a Nobel Peace Prize winner could be.  I mean, Al Gore won for environmental issues.  He might hate Eskimos.  Who knows?

  7. Nobel Prize winners tend to be human.  Humans tend to have faults, whether they are brilliant scientists or not.

    I was really disappointed when I read quotes of his in the news.

  8. Well, define a racist your way.

    Personally I couldn't care less. There are worse quotes among others than his. And same stuff has been said before. Why do people get so hung up in what HE said? Is it just because he's a Nobel prize winner?

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