
Do you believe it was meant to be: The Western World is the child of ancient Greece?

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President George H.W.Bush, said: "Eisenhower was right to say, "the spirit of the West, the modern spirit, is a Greek discovery." See . Clearly, history has repeat itself. Ancient Greece gave birth to a Western civilization. Now, do you believe this was by accident or it was purposefully meant to happen?

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  1. The viewpoint is myopic. The Rennaisance could not have happened without the Caliphate. The Caliphate was strongly influenced by the Silk Road inputs over centuries. The Persians had a doctrine of human rights before the Greeks. The Brahmins of ancient India were way ahead of the Greeks in time and complexity of thought. The Chinese had alrteady developed numerous schools of thought by the time Socrates slipped out of the womb. The Brits consider themselves the heirs of the Greeks and Romans so they censored all inforemation freom other cultures out of ther schools. The result is a world in which the declining West is confused about the historical enmities.

    Algebra, medicine, western languages all came out of India. The sumerians on down all had their philosophies of non-greek origin 500 years ahead of the marble cutters.The Greeks were pipsqueaks by comparison, but they are the Wests pipsqueaks, so we irrationally protect their memory.  

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