
Do you believe justice for someone who rapes a five month old baby is the death penalty?

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People have always said that true justice for this crime would be the death penalty but is it really justice?A father raped his five month old daughter and the little girl's uncle did the same thing.

I for one believe the death penalty has it's ups and downs. The up is these people don't deserve to live therefore when they die they will recieve their justice in h**l.

But the down is they are dead so they didn't suffer like this baby did they got off clean and easy. I for one believe justice would be they should be made to suffer all the hardships they put this baby through.

What do you think?

I can't force you to follow the links but by not doing so it's like you are discriminating against this baby's story because it is to sad for your happy life.




  1. death would be to good for these two sick f•cks. In prison they are looked at as the lowest of scum, they would be beaten up and raped on a daily bases. Send them to jail.

  2. The babys family should get to torture them...for a long period of time...anyway they want, until the b******s finally die from it.

  3. I believe the death penalty is nothing but legalized murder.  No one, no matter what crime they committed, deserves murder as a punishment.  I have always been and will always be strongly opposed to the death penalty.

  4. i believe they should get the death penalty but by the hands of the 5 yr olds family..

    let the childs family have a crack at these child molesters and then the law can have whats left (if any)

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