
Do you believe laughter is the best medicine? Why?

by Guest33168  |  earlier

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Do you believe laughter is the best medicine? Why?




  1. Not the best medicine but it helps to make your patient feel good enough to smile.

  2. In short, no I don't. Laughter is temporary. It helps deal with lifes hardships but in all reality solves nothing, we must remember to keep a good sense of humor however.

  3. Endorphins in the brain stimulated by laughter gives you a far greater high than anything - even drugs. And people have written books about using laughter to assist 'curing' their illness, so yes, there is validity to the statement.  

  4. I think in general, it is. It can't cure most things, but it can definitely help. Mental disorders and physical health problems can both be helped to heal by laughter. I don't have any links or specific references but I have heard of/read of so many instances where people lived much longer than the doctors gave them just from enjoying the last bit of their life and laughing and smiling everyday. But honestly, whether it's the best medicine or not, doesn't it just make life better, if not longer, to have a good sincere laugh every day? =)

  5. Yes laughter always makes a person to be cool calm..without tension.

  6. Maybe not the best medicine in all situations

    I read somewhere that laughter can alter brain chemistry, so maybe it helps to mentally feel good when you're otherwise sick :-)

  7. Sometimes it can be. Have you ever noticed how good you feel after you've laughed? I think laughter releases some type of feel-good chemical in your brain, and it also relieves stress. Just my own opinion, though.

  8. good question i'd say yes for when your laughing all the bad issues are foegotten at that moment and i'ts nice to know you still have the power inside to laugh and feeling good about something makes everything seem better

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