
Do you believe living things have "souls"?

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What is your definition of a soul? Is a soul something deeper then consciousness, or do you think we are simply flesh, blood, and bones with a mind that allows us to think? Does anybody not believe in souls?

I've heard that some people think that only humans have souls because we are "God's divine creatures". Personally, I am atheist so I don't believe this. I think that if we do in fact have souls, then every living creature must have one.

Thanks for your comments!




  1. Every living things have a soul.

    Whole world is the game of conciousness. The universal conciousness

    transforms into multi conciousness and play the game. After the game is over individual conciousness rise to higher state of conciousness and integrate with universal conciousness.

    The science has proved that even matter and energy are not apart and are convertable to each other.

  2. Please read these two blogs, then decide

    I say yes.

  3. I don't have a soul, I am a soul. I am not my body.There lies something spiritual behind all form.

  4. Humans as well as any living creature has a soul. That's how we as well as our pets are able to love. Animals also have a sense of humor which leads me to believe even more that they have a soul.

  5. We tend to identify ourselves with the contents of consciousness: our thoughts, the things we remember, our opinions, etc. By thinking that what we are *essentially* composed of these things, we make an error in thinking by attributing ourselves to our thoughts. In other words, we confuse consciousness with life. We assume that the stuff in our conscious mind is who we really are.

    When we find ourselves making the confusion, we begin to think of ourselves as being made of two things: a physical body and a nonphysical consciousness. Because we attribute our identity to the latter, we assume that the body is a temporal thing that breaks down, but this different thing--which is who we really are--should continue to exist.

    However, life and consciousness are not the same thing. If they were, then it would follow that any time sombody is unconsciousness, such as in surgery or during a coma, that person would no longer be considered "alive."

    So, consciousness is not life, but a feature of our lives. And when the body ceases, so does its many wonderful features.

  6. YES...    we  all..   everything   ...was  here   at  some  other   age..  as  something  else... including    trees..  insects..  and    rocks.. fish..  and so on..  

    Thing is  its  ONE   and  the  same   SPIRIT..   !!!


  7. I believe that humans, and just about every (animal) has a soul.  To me a soul is something that is located very deep inside of you.  It's the most important thing that a human has.  

    Personally, I think that our soul is more important than our body.  It's where all our thoughts come from and where some of them might be stored.  I think that our souls help us do good or evil, or nothing at all.  

    But in general, we are what we want to be.  

  8. No I do not believe anything has a soul. But, like you, if souls do exist, then it only makes sense to me if every living thing has one...even plants.

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