
Do you believe love is meaningless when its freely given to all without prejudice?

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Do you believe love is meaningless when its freely given to all without prejudice?




  1. Freely giving love, and the right kind of love is never meaningless. god gave love, and that was his only son. " No greater love, than a man can have, than he would lay down his life for his friend."

  2. I'd say such freely-given love is quite valuable, owing to the fact that it is in such short supply.

  3. If Only!

  4. Love is never meaningless .... it's what some call love that usually is.

  5. "Antihero" says:

    "However, my experience has taught me that love is cheap. A hot body or fat wallet can usually buy love straight up."


    One kind of LOVE is that of Jesus had for ALL THOSE WHO were around him and HURT him during his entire life even for those who killed him. THAT is one kind of LOVE.

    Another (?) kind of LOVE, or maybe the same as Jesus had, is that of a mother for her children. WHATEVER they do, they have a place in her heart FOR ALL OF HER LIFE.

    And may be true that the same kind of LOVE a woman may have for her soulmate (but a soulmate implies some kind of high connection, some responses, some commune values, some equivalences, etc. - not at all levels, though).

    This may be the reason for the s*x (its non existence) may not be a problem, as the connection is made mostly and mainly at another level than the physical one ....................

    This is the reason for some one can forgive ............

    And what can you feel in your heart for the wonders of the nature? Some kind of gratitude? Or some kind of LOVE, a connection between you and the Universe? We say that we LOVE rains, or the breaking of dawns, or the Ocean, etc. Don't we? LOVE is A CONNECTION, whatsoever but not an interest.

    You have some examples of love given to all without prejudice. Do those need a meaning, or do they fill your heart? They are the connection between us and our Creator - who is the same time LOVE (soul) & MIND. We are His mirror. But, we are poor humans, not Holy Spirits.

    And not even our children can be quite our mirrors. This is why God understand us, and we understand our children are different than we are. THIS is love, and love is UNDERSTANDING, and is always freely given.

    LOVE is what you have in yourself and what you accept to offer. It's your choice always a free one.

    (I'm tired of all the talking)

  6. I wouldn't say love is meaningless, as it can still be a powerful behavioral motivator.  However, my experience has taught me that love is cheap.  A hot body or fat wallet can usually buy love straight up.

  7. Don't have a problem with freely giving love to all without prejudice.  As long as we can take it back once we figure out what pricks they are.  

    Lack of prejudice merely means not prejudging someone based on lack of information.  Once we have experience of someone, then we may judge whether they are worthy of love or not, and if so, how much.  

    Sorry, if this answer sounds a little too misanthropic or arrogant/judgemental.   Perhaps I am confusing the question or quibbling to much about particular words.  Love given without prejudice (as I've previously defined prejudice) is probably a good thing. Unconditional love on the other hand could be very dangerous to the human race.  I see no reason to extend unconditional love to sociopaths.  

    But, until you have good reason to believe otherwise, extending love without prejudice is probably smart policy bound to benefit us all.

  8. I think as long as there is mortality there will always be a meaning to love.

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