
Do you believe normal as you see it is the result of your decisions?

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Do you believe normal as you see it is the result of your decisions?




  1. Normal is what society has decreed normal, how people are brought up throughout the generations with norms of family and society. Micro and macro is all created by those who take power to control over others. Supposedly to avoid chaos but as power corrupts so the norms we are shuttled through become corrupted. With too much structure we lose sight of our own creativity. At a personal level you can only create on the canvas you have been given or expected to use.  

  2. yes the decisions you make shape your life and from that you gain a sense of whatever is normal to you.

  3. What is normality - is the question. Is it normal to know normality? I personally do not see normal as what I might get in result of my decisions, but normality is the range I set for myself that I would like to stay within.

    For instance, I would like to keep all things normal while executing my plans, choosing from options and set out my objectives, even for the purposes of my dreams and ambitions. I could, for instance, decide to go a fishing and head towards a dried up lake, but if I do not catch any fish then it is normal for me to understand this is a normal outcome, but it would not be normal in me to moan or wonder about not being able to catch any fish merely because I made a decision to do so. I think normality first and foremost is the limit within which we all like would to live most of the time.

    We may also enjoy our chance encounters with the abnormal, atypical, strange or weird, perhaps in order to have our sense of wonder tickled from time to time. But we like to return to the normality of our existence soon as we can, and we enjoy that as well. We enjoy things getting better, houses being renovated, people getting well and situations improving. The I would say that oft times we not only aim to remain within the limits of normality, but we also as quite often, aim for normality when we make decisions.

    If I make a decision then I am responsible for the outcomes of my choice. I cannot say that just because I made a decision after all that will turn out would be normal. Even when I do so after a good deal of careful thinking, without being under any pressure of duress of any sort, there are a host of possibilities to affect the processes lead from the moment of my decision up to the moment I received a feedback. If is possible that all my planning was reasonable and all my thought objective and rational, but the results turn out to be

  4. Hmm, I've always supposed that my interpretation of 'normal' is a result of my social conditioning, which then guides my decisions. Interesting concept :)

  5. yes, what is normal for you is the result of the decisions you take in life and depends of what or how you feel about the experience you live.

  6. I don't believe in normal...we are all different. Believe in yourself.

  7. Normal is the average of material culture. The normal spirit mind knows God as a personal experience in consciousness. The normal mind knows right from wrong. The normal physical form has that which is common to all other physical forms.

    Normal is common and average.

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