
Do you believe once a cheat always a cheat?

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I am stuck in a rut with my BF of 3 and a half year, I love him to bits but I no he is a player, it's been going on for years and now my head is screwed up badly, I am so paranoid it's untrue,




  1. yes a man will change if the woman gives him what he wants .. i did  

  2. well from my experiences in life they change for  as  it is needed to gain your trust again then race off and do it again and again and again....

  3. i had that shouldnt be thinkin about it...enjoy dont need 1 hu gonna mess up your head,..if their gonna cheat****they still gonna cheat!

  4. I agree with sillylily

    "Once a cheat, always a cheat"

  5. I think that in the area of cheating, usually, once a cheat always a cheat. I have always been convinced that people can change, but I have never had the desire nor the inclination to tolerate cheating nor find out if the person can change. Once my trust and respect for another is lost it is usually lost forever. And that applies to someone who has cheated. I would say this to you, if he cheated one time, and he hasn't since it might be safe to stay with him. But if it is a pattern of cheating then you should leave. It's the pattern of cheating that is the tip-off. People usually do what works and that includes if he keeps getting what he wants out of you and others when he cheats. so, if it's a pattern, get rid of him. He's not likely to change it for you if he hasn't already.

  6. People do change yes, but if you have tried to forgive several times and only gotten cheated on again then wouldnt you say its not going to change? some guys are just naturally that way its in there make up i guess.  

  7. Just leave him and move on, life is too short to put up with that stuff.  It is real hard because you think you love the person, but it is all on you to keep the relationship going.  If you stop putting out, then you will see the truth.

  8. look, do you like the way you are feeling day in day out?If you left him you would be upset for maybe a year and then you will move on and meet someone else,if you stay I guarantee you will feel like this for a long time never knowing.This should be the best period of your relationship when it's early days,what is it going to be like later on?The only way to know if he really loves you and the only way you are going to make him see that you are important is if you leave him for a long time and make him fight to have you back.Then he will either learn his lesson and not want to lose you or he won't care,either way you will have the best answer.cheers

  9. I personally believe that people sometimes can make mistakes and the REASON behind cheating may be more important than the cheating itself.

    Therefore in my opinion a person who cheats ONCE may not be a cheater indefinitely.

    I guess my motto would be "Twice a cheater, always a cheater".

    If YOU feel your BF is a player chances are he IS cheating on you.

    I wouldn't suggest staying in a relationship where you can't trust the person you're with. You will never be happy!

  10. I can't blame you.Once trust is broken it is hard to restore as it used to be. You'll be wondering at times if he is at it again. You can forgive but not totally forget. Maybe if he will really prove that he has changed for good, that's when you can totally trust him again.

  11. No I don't BUT if you KNOW he is a player and he doesn't show signs of changing, I would move on to someone who will not only make you happy, but you can trust too. Life is supposed to be fun! Good luck.

  12. You are insecure.  You need to leave him, and find someone that will be faithful to you and treat you with respect.  If you don't you will be wasting all of your young years, and you CAN'T GET THEM BACK ONCE THEY ARE GONE!!!

  13. No, because one day, he's gonna notice how much of a man hor he is, and start acting serious.

  14. Yes.

  15. well if sumone truely loves u, they wont cheat

  16. i dont believe that saying. but i think it refers 2 a lot of people. xx

  17. People can change. If you believe otherwise, there will never be any peace in the world.

  18. I do believe once a cheater always a cheater! I had a BF who cheated on me 3 times but never wanted to break up.(shame on me)..well I broke it off and a few months later he got married and guess what...he was cheating on his wife with a woman and cheating on her with another woman. get out of it now or it will be a long time before you can trust again and that's hard on any relationship.


  20. I didn't used to believe that until I forgave my husband for cheating on me the first time and then he did it again 5 years later.  I am now a firm believer of once a cheater always a cheater.  I think that these people just can't help themselves and I actually feel sorry for them because they will never be truly happy with just one person.

  21. Once a cheat is always a cheat.  You know that but you want others to confirm your opinion.

    Get out of him.  Move away and begin to construct your own life.

    good luck

  22. Players live to play the game, regardless of who they hurt of the fallout.  Although most players get good at deflecting the fallout and blame.

    If you are with a player, he will only change when he's ready.  Some never change.

  23. You've only been together 3 years, if he's cheating, he'll always be a cheat.

  24. well life is all about second chances... but

    not third , fourth and so on...

    so if u think u can forgive him one last time and that he will change definatly... then yes forgivness is ok......

    otherwise DUMP his sorry ***....

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