
Do you believe our GOV is?

by  |  earlier

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s******g the U.S people. the loss of jobs over seas and everything that has to do with are health care. we pay so much in taxex, state, fed and city it crazy. when you work 2 days of overtime, the gov takes one of them. is this just a racket like the mob once did.when i asked the question about the hardship of our economy 3 months ago, people said there was no prob with it, but now thats all you here. what do you think, and are you repub,dem or independant?




  1. Of course, you'll get some responses from the morons who advise you to leave, rather than work to improve things.

    These are the same people who work FEVERISHLY to keep things the same.  Wonder why?

    You can bet if they weren't satisfied, they would be working for change too.

    PEOPLE are deceptive, corrupt, and self-serving.  GOVERNMENT is composed of PEOPLE.  Therefore, we need to stay on top of government, call them on their bullsh!t, and demand constant improvement.

  2. yes i absolutely agree!

    i'm an independent  

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