
Do you believe our youth in general are becoming less educated?

by  |  earlier

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I have noticed this as years go by that our youth has less and less interest in basic education and less and less are learning much from school and oddly enough school is teaching kids less as well.

Basically, do you feel our youth is digressing or hitting a point of not feeling it needs or cares about education?




  1. Totally agree with you.

    Im half asleep so I'll give the abridged version of my thoughts

    1.  No child left behind slows down progress in classrooms, and therefore causes classes to run slower, which leads to less material being covered

    2.  Too many distractions easily available

    3.  Spoiled children who never learn the value of work and are given everything by their parents.  they feel that things should come to them...why should they bother doing any work?

    4.  Unqualified teachers (also as a result of NCLB) who arent ready to teach and handle a classroom of 20+ kids

    5.  Poor  school administration.

    etc etc

  2. no i think that they have raised the standards way to high in the last couple of years and now school would be way too hard but kids arent trying either because of the work environment that they have especially minorities like me because we had horrible places to work wheras white people have the best schools and have better teachers

  3. Our youth are definitely becoming less educated. No one reads anymore, no one cares about actually learning something, and (worst of all) no one speaks properly! On top of that, my aunt is a school psychologist and says that basically all you need to graduate from high school these days is a pulse. It is indeed a sad state of affairs...

  4. They are overwhelmed by entertainment choices: video games, movies, books, television, etc.  These compete with education subjects in the kids' schedule.  Several teenagers who I know are intelligent and hard-working, but they don't seem to have a focus on long-term goals.  They don't see how education will lead to a certain job.

  5. I am a kid and I think that some kids choose not you learn as well as the y should; it's not the teacher's fault or even the distractions. Some kids just don't pay attention and try to act cool because apparantly not getting very high grades is cool which I think is stupid. My friends and I are in Honors English and get good grades.

  6. One thing I have noticed is that our youth are becoming more and more promiscuous.  Also, they seem to be doing drugs/drinking much earlier.

  7. I take it you have never read yahoo answers before.  

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