
Do you believe paranormal activities?

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Have you encountered a ghost or spirit, had things moved in your house (not by you or family), heard unfamiliar noises inside but never outside, ect.?




  1. very much so, yes ive encountered ghosts, and many other researching hauntings in italy at the moment, thats when i had my first and biggest paranormal experience...there is an island just off venice that is meant to be the most haunted place in the world...the italians will not go near it, let alone on the island, its closed off to the public...and the locals wont even talk about would be great to get someone with a group to go and investigate it, with permission..the island is called....POVEGLIA....i do plan on returning to italy soon

  2. I have not had these things happen in my home but I have experienced all the above in paranormal investigations you first have to rule out that the things activity is not being caused by things in your home. and you will get a lot of answers telling you that it is all in your head that no evidence has been shown to authenticate the existence in the paranormal when in fact it does there are thousands of websites and documented events of paranormal activity but unless a person experiences a paranormal event they will refuse to believe in any event look at the obvious first before you attribute to the paranormal

  3. Not to rain on anyone's parade, but I can't help but think of how ridiculous this stuff sounds.  I just think sometimes our imaginations get a bit carried away and because we've all seen too many movies or heard too many stories that we jump to these odd conclusions.  Occam's razor - the simplest solution is usually the most accurate...unexplained noises are probably just due to a house settling onto its foundation, things being moved around could have even been moved around by yourself when you were thinking of something else at the time, or maybe a friend is just messing with your head.

    If ghosts or spirits really existed the way that some people believe they exist, then I have to wonder why there is no substantial evidence for it besides creepy ghost-stories.

  4. Yes...but none of it really scared me...I kinda went along with it for years...then I WOKE UP and realized they were SPIRITS and I didn't know who they were and I had been going along with them all those years...thinking God was with me. It turned out horrible and I regret ever having had  anything to do with them.


    The paranormal was a daily occurrence in my life when I was a child.

  6. i believe in paranormal entities.. though i haven't experienced any of their activities..

  7. Yes. Yes. No. Yes.

  8. it certanly does happen.  I have only experienced it by seeing and feeling things around me, but it has never got to the point of things moving.

  9. i believe. i have had too many encounters not to.

  10. I have never experienced anything unnatural or paranormal in my days here on planet Earth.  I notice that those who do tend to have a more mystical world view while I have always been unmystical, so I'm curious to know if paranormal experiences follow mystical belief or if mystical belief is a way of reconciling paranormal experience.  Chicken and egg I guess.

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