
Do you believe people are basically honest?

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I went to get gas. I had $20.

The man ahead of me was on his way to the hospital. His wife was in labor. He left his wallet at work.

If they would give him $10. of gas, either his boss will come down in an hour or so to pay, or he will later.

The clerk called the owner and handed the cell phone to the guy.

It was my turn, I told the clerk I wanted gas, then I glanced at the guy on the phone.

Next thing I know, I'm saying "I don't know how much, I might be giving this guy $10."

The guy gave the phone back to the clerk, owner approved.

He was ecstatic!

At the pumps he asked for my name and sincerely thanked me for my offer.


I was there today. I saw the owner

I asked if the guy ever came back.

He said "Yes, the next day. And iIt was a Boy".

I truly think most people are good, but the News shows only the bad in people.

Do you agree?




  1. Yes! I certainly believe that people are basically honest. Our character is molded by different factors such as our environment, how our parents raised us, the principles that we believe, and of course the choices we make. So as we grow up, these things also go along with us. With that story that you posted,  the guy was honest because of his choice to be honest. Our choices (from the very small to the biggest one) from the past until what we are today had marked a great impact on our traits and character. With the news showing only bad people, they do such things for their own reasons like satisfaction, needs, etc. For example: a poor man would steal a wallet from someone in a mall or a certain place... what would be his reasos? maybe he did it for the living and basic needs of his family . . . but on the other hand, another poor man does not want to steal but would choose to work hard to earn and give something to his family . . .  You see? The difference is how they deal with the problem . . . Unfortunately, we see most people today, as we see them in news, who prefer to take the easier yet "wrong way" than the tough road but the righteous one . . .  But I still believe that even though news and media show mostly unpleasant happenings, there are still more truthful and honest people in this world. Good day to you!

  2. no

  3. I agree that the news highlights the bad, but I think it is more than that.  I think that we, as people, often focus on the bad.  Think about it, how much of the day do you spend talking about the good things that happen vs. the amount of the negative.

    As for people in general, I believe that we all started out good and that we all have some good in us.  Some people just have more than others.  I am glad you had such a good experience and are willing to share it.

  4. Its hard to say... there are a lot of both kinds of people.. good and bad.

    At this point i would have to say no because i lost my wallet and it had all my credit cards and information and about 120 dollars in cash, yesterday i got the cards back in a blank envelope that was just sitting in my mailbox with no stamp or address... the person was nice enough to drive my things to my house but not nice enough to give me the money. Guess they figured it was a finders fee.

    On the other hand, near a cemetery that i visit on occasion there is a man who runs a store that sells flowers. The man is never in the store and has a sign on the door saying that he believes most people are honest and to just drop ur money in the slot of a door. He obviously makes a living on that place cause it has been there for ten years.

    So i guess it goes both ways.

    But very touching story... it is even better that you were going to give the guy the money if they would not help him... we need more people like you in the world!

  5. I believe most people want to be good, but there are occasions when the temptation for unethical gain is so strong, they give in to the temptation.  News both printed and broad casted do seem to focus on disaster, and crime, but they include the unselfishness and positive news items as well.

  6. Great story.  I usually will try to help however, most of the stories are bogus.  It restores my faith a little.  I think most people are survivors and will tell you what you want to hear.

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