
Do you believe people here in the USA illegally should be allowed to stay?

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Tanking jobs away from Americans, sucking off our welfare systems, over crowding our school systems, recieving free medical, having most of the intitlements most Americans should recieve but don't?




  1. I sure do. You should realize everything you just mention happens by Nature. Think about what these People have to put up with in their Countries the Exact same thing people here in America is Nagging about Day in and Day out. This whole Immigrations Debate is just Crazy. What we have here is Man against GOD. No one will be here on Earth or any other Planet for that matter if it wasn't for Immigrating. Americans take Jobs in other Countries but that is something that always get Bypassed. "Fact" Most of these Human Beings don't even go to the Hospital when they get Hurt so I don't know where you get Free Medical from. Again I say if you or anyone else have a problem with People coming here from other Countries no matter how they got here this is something you need to be taking up with GOD not Man because it's a Nature thing. GOD don't like what he is seeing not one bit when he see these Human Beings Deported back to their Countries with Tears in their Eyes knowing they did the same thing we did to get here except there wasn't any Killing going on when they came here execpt when that Border Patrol Officer Shot and Killed that Unarmed Mexican Man just for Crossing the Border. And for some strange reason this is the part of my Answer that always seem to get Deleted. It's a very sad thing how the Truth Hurts. I will also say this again. If they are Illegal so are we. They are doing the "Exact" Same Thing as we did to get here Except Shoot up and Kill People to do so. Author, Eddie Smith

  2. YES! because this economy needs them.

    BIG JOKE! They DO NOT take jobs away when Americans have easier alternatives. How many Americans do you know that are rushing to the local farms to get the jobs that were so-called stolen from them? You don't because the work is too hard for them and they want their weekends off. The jobs were given to the better worker, the worker that does not demand weekends off, paid Holidays and extra long Starbucks breaks.........give me a break! and Americans will use the wages excuse to!

    Critics say increased wages would keep workers in the fields. Growers contend that their wages, often minimum wage plus a piece rate, are as high as they can pay and still remain profitable. Ricchiuti echoed many growers when he said local people "don't want to do the work at any price."

    Mr. Rector and Heritage have done some good social science research in the past, but this time they have the story backward: In most cases immigrants will pay at least as much in lifetime federal taxes as they receive in benefits.

    One basic flaw in the Heritage analysis is that, as a study by the Immigration Policy Center points out: "The vast majority of immigrants are not eligible to receive any of these [welfare] benefits for many years after their arrival in the United States. . . . Legal permanent residents cannot receive SSI [Supplemental Security Income], which is available only to U.S. citizens, and are not eligible for means-tested public benefits until 5 years after receiving their green cards."

    Illegal immigrants are also ineligible for any kind of federal welfare benefits -- with the exception of emergency health care. Many of the Congressional proposals to legalize this population would not allow these workers to collect welfare until waiting up to eight years for a green card and five years after that.

    The "welfare" charge is also refuted by the experience of the federal welfare reform passed 11 years ago.

  3. Allowing people who came here illegally to stay in this country is like allowing a thief to keep the money he's stolen.

  4. I think they should at least try to adapt to the country, learn the language, pay taxes, and work towards citizinship.  I watched a documentary in college about Hispanics in California running for various city offices and couldn't even speak english, it had to be captioned in enlgish.  I figure if you are gonna live here, work here, and raise your family here, you should learn the language at least.

  5. NO,DEPORT!!!!!!

  6. Yes I do because then the mexicans will stay in the US and stop the northern migration into Canada.  


  7. Not good! Rewarding criminal activity only gets you an increase in criminal activities! Some Idiots gave them amnesty a while back and caused a flood of new criminals into the country. We shoul put them in a Maricopa County Tent City for a while and then deport them.

  8. For god's sake, I can't believe these answers.  Here's a thought.  I don't like cleaning my toilet.  But when it gets bad enough, it has to be done.  Doesn't mean someone can break into my house, because they are willing to clean my toilet.  There is no justification for crime.  It is against the law.  Start making exceptions for immigrants, prepare to have exceptions made elsewhere.  How about someone who robs you because they hadn't eaten in 2 days?  Someone who invades your house because they were homeless?  You can't draw a grey line with illegal immigration.  It really needs to be finite, or the indirect consequences will be out of control.  

    The economy is failing, the jobs are not available.  I went to school, and learned a valuable trade in technology.  If I lose my job, and can't get another one, you should believe I will be working in hotels or picking fruit to feed my family.  But I couldn't because my job was outsourced, and illegals work below minimum wage, and under the table.  What employer would get rid of that?  And please tell me how they help our economy when they are sending almost everything they make back to Mexico?  For the love of this country, kick them out

  9. no way, if you find them ship them back.

  10. Send em to Gitmo!

  11. No -- they're criminals no matter how it is explained away!

  12. NO ! ,What part of ILLEGAL are they having difficulty with?

  13. Rewarding crime is only good if your a criminal or in favor of crime.

    If you can't do the time, don't do the crime.


  14. No I do not think illegals should be allowed to stay, we should have a mass deportation.

  15. No way!!!!

  16. Bad question to answer on here since the issue tends to be UNEVENLY BALanced towards the anti-immigrant side.

  17. I agree with Greasytony....Us Americans don't want the jobs that the illegals are doing...when was the last time you saw a white person cleaning hotel rooms and picking strawberries? It just isn't happening anymore. Shoot the kids don't hardly want to work for McDonalds or In-n-Out. Supposedly we are "too good for that." So, the illegals take those jobs and put the money back into our economy.

    Sure, they should come here legally, but the fact is they are coming from countries where the poor are made to stay poor and we live in the land of opportunities that are being wasted.

    So, everyone is saying they never did anything illegal in their entire lives? Not stole a piece of candy or did something without permission, lie on their taxes...Please, it's all the same. I'm not condoning it, but everyone does something the "wrong way" at some point of their lives...They are just trying to make their lives better. What ever happened to wanting to end war and have peace...Can't get there if you are so concerned about keeping others out.

    Now if they are truly a burden to our country as far as being a convict or causing chaos, then definatly they should go back to where they came from.

  18. hey guys.... im illegal, dont you tink its time for me to have papers? im smart .making $22 dollars each hour ,8 hours a day paying taxes.never have problems with police or people.YOU now what can you do ? STOP crying and STOP whach jerry springer TV show.PUT your culo (BRAINS) TO WORK, BECAUSE IF YOU SAID you ARE SMART THAN ME,you can make more money than me.CAN YOU DO THAT?????          the real americans are the minuteman.they realy wana stop illegals .they dont get paid for whach the border .turn off your PC and drive to the border.and you guys can fix the problem. sorry but my inglish are you guys       love you all,hope one of you get rich

  19. Stealing your jobs please.........u mean dong wat lazy people dont want to do

  20. not all illegals are bad they are hard working people that just try to survive. their are some people that may do what you are saying.

    but you pretty much just described african americans that live in the worst part of town because they thought when they were teens that school was not important and they would stick to there gangs all their life. how about you fix your own problems.

  21. no

  22. I think we should give them 6 months to register at any U.S. post office. From that point on they will have to pay taxes. After a year they will be expected to pass an english and citizenship test.

    Any illegal immigrant caught after the registration period should then be deported and if they are caught committing a crime, throw the book at them.

    But I think it is unrealistic to think we can deport all of them, it's expensive and without proper border enforcement, it won't last.

    Instead let's work with them and try to help them become legal tax paying citizens, so that we can fund our schools, and medical systems.

    Just remember they are people too, and it's not a criminal offense to be here, it's just a civil offense. Many of them don't see any other options. So let's help them, and build this country up rather than rip it apart more.

  23. No, starting a life of crime is not a good way on the path to legal citizenship. Stand in line like our ancestors did.

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