
Do you believe..?

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that there is such thing as "sea monsters" like kraken and stuff? and what do you think about the bermuda triangle? I think it is possible because there is places in the ocean that humans have never been to and water pressures that we couldn't survive in, so we have no idea what's there.




  1. I believe that there are things out there that cannot be explained. We, human beings, are not alone here on earth or in the universe. We just can't be alone. It doesn't make sense if we were the only living things in the universe. So many people have their minds closed to everything and anything that they don't understand or are afraid of. I feel sorry for them because they will never learn about the exciting things in this life in this world. All things are possible. All things. So YES.....I believe!!!!

  2. i feel the same way as you. i mean people have seen these things yet no one beilived them. it was the same way with the giant squid and look how that turned out. people are eating them now

  3. Yes

  4. Jim the Fee, here

    It depends on a whole lot of factors - this belief in

    sea monsters -  including a willingness to speculate about the unseen beings that live at really deep level in the seas of

    Earth.  The deep dea investigations using the really deep, deep, oceans wherein are found the deepest of "trenches"

    that we know to exist, have seen some spectacular beings at those depths.  Now speculate, as many fiction writers have

    and even some scientists who have an interest in

    "proving the existence of deep sea dwellers", that the times

    when sea serpents and other sea monsters were said to have existed - back in the 10th,11th and 12th centuries -as reported by seafarers could have been some especially large squid or octopus and the stories grew and grew with

    each telling.  Now come up some centuries into the 18th, 19th and 20th centuries.  Our abilities to go deeper and deeper into the depths has caused a revival of the sea monster idea.  The stories are again coming around and the scientifically inclined have extended their search deeper and

    deeper.  But man has still not found the kind of proof that he wants - the actual corpse of a sea monster.  Everytime some "thing" has been caught and tried to be brought up

    the beast would explode because it was raised above its tolerance level.  Even tiny organisms have to be photgraphed

    and that is all that can be brought  back to the surface.

    What is interesting about man and his/her search for answers is this fact.  We will always try to find the sea monsters that were talked about in our literature for a long,

    long time.  A photograph just will not be enought proof for

    many of us.  We need a "body" so to speak.


    Jim the Fee

  5. The Kraken was probably based off of the Giant Squid, which does exist.The Bermuda triangle...basically there is this substance that, when released in large bursts causes the density of the water to change, as well as the air, making ships and airplanes sink and fall, respectively.

    There is still a ton of stuff we don't know about our oceans so there is a very real possibility there are undiscovered creatures in those depths, like the rain-forest.

  6. Yes- I do.

    Dinosaurs and creatures

    long extinct once existed,

    so why not krakens & leviathans?

    There are also 2 Bermuda Triangle

    type areas  located over Lake Ontario,

    and also on land as well.
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