just because they come out with things doersnt mena that they have ever come up with the things they ment too,. so all the things a scienctist looks like, is all the things we have that we atribibute to science,., if a scienctist, cant be seen asa a scientist unless told or by what you notice on him or her, that you see out in public, if a scientist is supposed to where it or what ever, if you dont know all the reasons why, then an object he finds is because he doesnt know you trust scienctist to rule the wolrd, they know someone like me could do a better jobe,. so they expect people who, understand theings like how a person can use a caculator to have a better perspective on science, or do you truly feel that what we know, and what we expect, just becuase we cant be sure, is something that has to happen,., when really if we understanfd things that arein our world there are more than just those theyr are also the ones we carry around with us,.,if scinec leaves us like that then i can