
Do you believe that 'poltergeist activity' is created by an earthbound energy?

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this part of my research as a paranormal investigator, & just would like to hear others views on this subject




  1. I believe that ANYTHING that comes from the "dark side" comes from the DEVIL!

    “10 Finally, be strong in the Lord and in His mighty power. 11 Put on the full armor of God so that you can take your stand against the devil's schemes. 12 For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.” (Ephesians 6: 10-12 NIV)

  2. No mate its caused by the lack of brain cells in your head, have you ever, and I mean ever, witnessed an inaminate object levitate.. no?  Thought not. get a life you wuss and leave the superstitious to themselves.

  3. Tests already prove in lab that is possible - possibility is  pretty close to fact. Huge mass of energy can affect your brain and confuse your mains senses.

    .... but it does not prove non existence. There is only another explanation for situations in pretty similar circunstances. We must avoid sofism and try to keep our mind open.

  4. Given that many cases of poltergeists centre around teenage or pre-pubescent girls, the evidence I have seen points to an uncontrolled release of psychokinetic energy into the local environment and much less an outside influence.

    However, locally there was a violent poltergeist case a few years ago where the family concerned were rehoused and absolutely all of their possessions were incinerated under strict supervision by the local authority.

    Apparently a youngster in the family had played with a Ouija board and the activity had begun shortly afterwards.  The mother in the household was attacked by the alleged poltergeist on several occasions and to this day becomes very upset if anyone even mentions the case to her.

  5. You're putting the cart in front of the horse. The best thing to do is back up and first demonstrate that poltergeist activity actually exists. So far there is absolutely no credible evidence that it does.

    Once you've done that (and perhaps claimed a cool $1 million in the process), then is the time to investigate the "energies" causing the poltergeist activity.

  6. Ghosts do not exist. There is not a shred of evidence to suggest that you do anything after dying apart from rotting.

  7. "Several researchers have reported that poltergeist episodes frequently began on the day (± 1 day) of a sudden and intense increase in global geomagnetic activity. To test this visual observation, a near-complete account of these episodes for which the inception dates were recorded and verified was examined. Statistical samples clearly indicated that global geomagnetic activity (aa index) on the day or day after the onset of these episodes was significantly higher than the geomagnetic activity on the days before or afterwards. The same temporal pattern was noted for historical cases and for those that have occurred more recently. The pattern was similar for episodes that occurred in North America and Europe. The results were statistically significant and suggest that these unusual episodes may be some form of natural phenomena that are associated with geophysical factors."(Gearhart, Livingston, and Persinger, M.A.; "Geophysical Variables and Behavior: XXXIII. Onsets of Historical and Contemporary Poltergeist Episodes Occurred with Sudden Increases in Geomagnetic Activity," Perceptual and Motor Skills, 62:463, 1986.)

    The earliest known reports of poltergeists date back to the ancient Romans. Other poltergeist records can be found in the medieval times of China and Germany. The reports indicate unexplainable events such as throwing dirt, flying objects, awful smells, loud noises, unexplained lights and ghostly apparitions. All of which are very similar to the still ongoing reports of modern poltergeists. Why exactly poltergeist activity occurs has been under debate by experts and scientists for decades. Poltergeists usually begin and end abruptly. The typical incident can last for several hours or several years. It should be pointed out that while a majority of poltergeist cases revolve around unstable human agents, there are cases where all of the people involved are psychologically stable and don't seem to have any control over the poltergeist energy. These cases remain a mystery. Some paranormal researchers blame them on other supernatural forces including Demon influences.

  8. Caused by physical forces

    Some scientists propose that all poltergeist activity that they can't trace to fraud has a physical explanation such as static electricity, electromagnetic fields, ultra-, and infrasound and/or ionized air. In some cases, such as the Rosenheim poltergeist case, the physicist F. Karger from the Max-Planck-Institut für Plasmaphysik and G. Zicha from the Technical University of Munich found none of these effects present and psi proponents claim that no evidence of fraud was ever found, even after a sustained investigation from the police force and CID, though criminologist Herbert Schäfer quotes an unnamed detective watching the agent pushing a lamp when she thought nobody was looking. However, whether this is true or not, police officers did sign statements that they had witnessed the phenomena. John Hutchinson has claimed that he has created poltergeist effects in the lab. Also worth noting is that some scientists now propose that poltergeists and ball lightning may be linked phenomena. Some scientists go as far as calling them pseudo-psychic phenomena and claim that under some circumstances they are caused by obscure physical effects. And parapsychologists William G. Roll and Dean Radin, physicist Hal puthoff and head of electrical engineering at Duke University who specializes in electromagnetic field phenomena, claim that poltergeist phenomena [the movement of objects at least] could be caused by anomalies in the zero-point field, this is outlined in the above article and in Roll's book "unleashed" and mention is made of it in a chapter of Dean Radin's book "entangled mind." The basic theory is that poltergeist movements are repulsive versions of the casimir effect that can put pressures on objects. Thus, anomalies in this field could conceivably move objects. This theory has also been mentioned in the current book on paranormal phenomena "science" by Marie D. Jones The theory is not complete, however, because it accounts for the movement of objects but not for the strange voices, seeming personality, and strange electrical effects displayed in some cases.

  9. no, but if it is true then it is of the devil.

  10. Yes it's defiantly earthbound.It's mostly the energy of children with too much time on their hands.And adults with a lot of imagination and gullibility.

  11. idk. science cant prove anything weird like that, but maybe it can. it's so creepy. ive seen it before and its unexplainable. i think its just when an EVIL spirit gets mad and wants to scare somebody. but, when that happens, i just act like its no big deal and ill usually say out loud "do you need somethin'?" or ill say "eh. they dont bother me" and i think they leave my house because they get bored.

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