
Do you believe that America is still the Shining City on a Hill, the Land of Oppertunity?

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I know poverty my friend. I lived in the back seat of a 1970 chevy Nova for 5 years. I never knew a Christmas morning. I took showers at the Winton woods Campgrounds in Hamilton County Ohio for 25 cents and felt so luck I had that resource. I owned one pair of shoes, my car protected me from rain, snow and heat (gas was .79 cents then). I pumped gas for $2.10 per hour...I felt so honored my boss gave ME the honor to work there. I remember reading my H.S. Diploma under a street light by address was the gas station. I worked 68 hours per week and put myself through school. I never received .1 cent in government aide ever in my life, I have paid 100's of 1000's of dollars in taxes.

It never occurred to me that I should sit and ask for help. I never allowed my minority status to make me a victim.

Today, I own my own business with 12 full time employees, I own my own beauitful home with 4 bdms & 4 baths all on 10 acres. I have put 2 of my children through college, 1 at Ohio State the other at the University of Cincinnati. I have been married to the most wonderful woman in the world for 28 years.

I have had time to protest, I have had time to complain...I was too busy living, working & loving this most wonderful nation there has ever been. God Bless America!




  1. If it wasn't the millions coming here or trying to come here both legal and illegal would have givenus a pass.

  2. I SAY SOMETIMES and at other times i say no when our troups are oversees dying for someone elses lie and cause and mothers losing sons and daughters and children losing parents and were losing our homes and jobs then go a head and say god bless america land that i love home of the brave

  3. Amen.

  4. It is still the land of opportunity, but the shine seems a bit tarnished right now.  Hopefully it will soon be restored to it's original luster.  

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