
Do you believe that America will attempt to supply every house in the future with solar panels?

by Guest63426  |  earlier

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America has the privelage of being able to chose between multiple options with nearly everything they purchase. For example if they buy a car they can buy a van, a sports car, an SUV, and within those categories are multiple other categories for more options. When people buy a house, usually the buyer strives to make the house look appealing on both the outside and in, usually regardless of anything else. Some say that Solar panels may not be "eye candy" therefor it makes their house look worse.

Do you believe the government will attempt to make Solar Panels either

A. More eye Appealing

B. Spread out on sides of roads so they do not need to be on houses

C. Not even bother with them at all

D. Other

It's for a school project in my World Issues class, no need to keep your answers short.




  1. Well you see, America is taking taxes on people for public services such as making streets better to the war in Iraq but with America over a 3.6 trillion dollars in debt overall, only rich people would afford to install their own. America would not even have enough time to install them due to job shortages. In conclusion, there is a new depression coming due to Bush's evil vetoes and policies and so America will not be able to get solar panels installed due to mass taxation on people and a revolt may occur.

  2. No, America is a Free Market Economy and the government doesn't control the market.  Now they do, do things like offer tax breaks for installing and using solar power but I don't see the government installing solar panels on every home.  Like I said it is all about the all mighty dollar.  So, if the reward out weighs the cost eventually it will be more economical to install solar panels and thus more people will, but until the cost comes down, it will continue to be cost prohibitive.

  3. They will cost toooo much .

  4. I hope not, that is some UGLY c**p.

  5. Not until there is a Manhattan Project style effort to make solar PV cells cheaper to make and buy.  If they do, they will no doubt be made in China.

  6. First of all the government has nothing to do with it. It's private industry thank GOD. The FREE market will figure out a way to make them affordable for all. All the government will do is create tax incentives for those who buy systens for their homes.

    In communist countries where socialism is the rule, they do it all for you. You make very few decisions. The government decides for you. You own nothing. The government owns everything.

    There are alot of socialists in our country (United States) who think the government should control everything. You are young and apparently leaning that way. Bet you're thinking of going to college, getting a good education, and then getting a job and make big bucks and becoming wealthy living in a rich neighborhood with all the comforts you can afford.

    Never achieve that if you are a true socialist. Not very many rich people in communist countries.

    You can achieve that in a FREE nation.

    The governments job is to keep this a free nation. YOU and I must get to work and do the rest!

  7. C. Not even bother with them at all.

    I don't think the American government would ever try to do that. They seem to have their priorities elsewhere. I don't have much to really elobrate on. Sorry.

  8. Looks don't count at this point, it's the energy deceptions we need to expose.  The University of South Africa has patented a new Photovoltiac process 2004) that would make the panels as cheap as metal roofing.  A typical home could easily be self sufficient, yielding 3000-5000 watts on a sunny day, even in the winter…

    Not  a word in this country about it.  There is quite a bit of successful research going on regarding cheap photovoltaics, but the petroleum based media is keeping very quiet about it.

  9. I agree with Jackie. One big reason we are in the Iraq War is because US companies, such as Halliburton, are making billions of dollars off of it.

  10. You have is misconception that there is a monolithic "America".  Housing, in particular, zoning and building codes are local.  The government is not attempting to do anything but fund research, and to a certain extent keep the prices of silicon based solar products inflated by offering tax incentives.  These silicon based products are dinosaurs.

    There are a couple directions PV will go, the current direction is thin film products which are much cheaper to produce.  Companies like Nanosolar, First Solar, and Global Solar, as well as dozens of other companies around the world are now producing, and expanding their production capacity.  Products should be available to the public in 2009, as the first year's limited production is sold out. ( The price is about 1/4 the silicon products).

    One of the more recent developments is the use of graphenes and titanium dioxide, both made of very common elements, unlike the thin films which use somewhat rare metals.  If this tech works out, we should see extremely inexpensive PV modules in 10-15 years.

    Either way the thin films allow integration into roofing materials, so in the future your roof could be your power source.  Be prepared for big changes in how you think about PV, it's changing quite a bit right now.

  11. C, it isn't something they can profit off of

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