
Do you believe that Americans are.....?

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sheltered & misled about what is actually going on out there in the world? I wonder sometimes if people in other countries might think we are ignorant...




  1. Its is nice to see Americans understand where they are.  it is very sad what is happen to the people of the US because all the world use to see them as the role model and now we see them as a bunch of lambs ready for the kill. You are misled and used to the interest of a few. and the problem is  whit you a big part of the world is suffering too. you are not alone but you need to wake up.and when you do that the whole world will wake up too.

  2. That will happen when your government keeps everything from you.  They think that some things will cause panic, but I'd rather be prepared than in the dark.

  3. when the media is a liberal mouthpiece and spouts the Soros designated "news" only,are you surprised?

  4. na. we're not. most of us know what is happening world wide, we watch the news, and we hear things. we just don't care, that's the difference.  We need to smarten up as a nation, but i think we will, and I personally i think we'll be okay long term. we still have A LOT going for us.

  5. It's the media that's sheltered and ignorant.

    Stop worrying about what people think about you, and

    learn to concentrate on doing what is right for the US.

  6. We are sheltered and misled about a lot of things in the world. I've seen a lot of people complain about other countries not liking us but that's completely incorrect. I'm a Briton but I've gone between America and the UK enough to know a good portion of both sides. The people of the UK dislike the people currently in office in America not the people themselves and well, they kinda have the right to be with the war and terrorism. (If you look it up the group responsible for the bombing in London have released tapes saying the reason for the bombings was the UK's ties to the US. And the UK went to war on Bush's word and nothing's really been found) I have noticed the people of the US taking the same stance now. I have run across people in the US who talk about other people looking down on the US and how wrong it is and then in the same argument looking down on the other nations of the world. . .

  7. People in other countries DO think we are ignorant. There is a lot of proof of that.

    Yes, we live such a sheltered existance and the media is constantly feeding us BS and distracting us from the reality of what is happening out there.

    There ARE a lot of American's though who aren't ignorant. I think having Bush as president was a HUGE wake up call for a lot of poeple. I bet things start to change a bit.

  8. Yes you are, but you are not alone, as other countries are the same, and I would not say 'ignorant', I would say 'dumbed down'.  But what do you expect when we have Aspartame in our drinks, GM food, Fluoride in our water, Mercury in vaccines, Insecticides, Biotech, Chem spraying, etc,etc.

  9. Of course we are ignorant.

    How else could we have let the Socialists take over the Democratic party, the school system, and the labor unions?

  10. Its not that were sheltered, were actually pounded by world news and affairs.  The problem is we get it through our corrupt media.

  11. yup, most of us are.

  12. The media lies and manipulates us...

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