
Do you believe that Global Warming is real?

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  1. Yes... Man-made=NO!

    Have the poor become rich by INDUSTRIALIZING and then we wouldn't be polluting even near as much or destroying any of our forests... And the population of the world would be at a nice and stable growth.

    And also... Then.. if there were "proof" of this so-called AGW then we would be able to make these changes in ways that we could all afford.

  2. no  this has been the coldest winter in 25 years.

    The media is brainwashing you.

    Chek out worldnet

  3. I think the theories behind it are plausible, and I'm a little nervous about how we're affecting the environment, but I don't know if I'm ready to accept global warming as a fact.  Of course, that's not to say we don't need to change our methods of living somewhat.

  4. Absolutely.  It's not a matter of "believing," but rather a matter of ACCEPTING the truth and taking responsibility for our collective actions among the human race.

  5. Yes. Is man causing it no. In the 1970's the big environmental thing was the coming ice age. We were supposed to out of fossil fuels and under the ice sheet by the year 2000.

  6. It is certainly real. The only question is whether or not it is being caused by mankind's pollution. In my opinion the answer is yes we are causing it. Sad as that may be.

  7. Of course it's real.  Any scientist will tell you that.  But of course, the politicians claim to know better.

  8. Sure thing its for real dear and not all consider it a threat to ecology. Ice caps are melting and few years from now most places may be under water as the sea level would rise due to this. See the movie "Inconvineient truth"  it really tells you about global warming

  9. The earth has gone through many warming and cooling cycles.  It is currently warming, rebounding from the little ice age (1300-1850).  We are cooler than 1,000 or 2,000 years ago.

  10. yaahhhhhh

  11. of course its real.......and yes, we need to make a change........the rising levels of green house gases like carbon dioxide....the increasing in earth's mean temperature...the melting of polar ice.....the rising of sea level.....this is all REALITY....and the rising sea levels will definitely put the coastal regions in danger.....the extremeness of seasons...the climatic imbalances....we have to do something about them, after all its OUR planet......

  12. ok no i dont listen to micheal savage on the radion he rocks! but that certainly means u cant help the environment  because i still do and its the right thing to do.

  13. Not no, but h**l no!

  14. yes,it is happening every were in the world and it should be stop  I'm not saying I'm a tree huger i just want my kids(if i ever have    a kid)to be able to see a polar bear or a dolphin =D

  15. i think global warminining in for retards to believe.

  16. How could you not...........

  17. Do I believe the earth is in a NATURAL warming trend?  Yes

    Do I believe it is the end of countless species and man has created it?  NO

  18. I have already seen many changes to the climate and yes global warming is real.

  19. According to news reports, the Polar Ice Caps are almost back to normal and this winter has seen the most snow fall in decades.  Your making out like global warming is something to cheer about and it would seem to be nothing more then a scare tactic by extremist to push their own selfish agenda.  You need to gather the facts from all sources before you draw conclusions on things.

  20. yeah its real the whole earth is in danger in future in fact there is a hole in the ozone layer of the earth it is of the size of europe this due to the global warming due high fuel emission

  21. Nope. Check this link.

  22. Yes. The models that point to global warming and the human contribution to it have been successful--within reason--in showing what's going on and predicting conditions which have subsequently been found. That's good science. Nothing is 100%, of course, but unless a superior theory comes along, we would be foolish to ignore it.

  23. It is, but it's not like we were the ones causing it. We are just speeding up the process.

  24. I'm sure it's real. All these major companies like NASA have researched it and they've come up with good, solid evidence. I, for one, believe global warming is real.

  25. yes..i where do i sign up..

  26. its very true! half of nyc might be under water if nothing changes 8(

  27. yeah it's the real deal!

  28. Why?

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