
Do you believe that Global warming is a hoax?

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Allowing for the fact that the Earth has warmed/cooled throughout it's history, do you see any current minor warming causing the catastrophic consequences the doomsayers are predicting.




  1. oh yeah.. its obv thr.. but it ll take a lot of time to happen.. i dont think it happens juz tomo.. but its a mirage..

  2. of course

    if you took a gas fueled flame and a balloon and spun the balloon around on an axis when it was rotating it would pop.

    on one side the balloon heats up, on the other it cools.climate has to be measured on the span of 1000 years at the minimum

    not 5

    10 or


  3. hoax? no. dangerous? not at all.

  4. Yes, Major Hoax.

    The same warming trend that was experienced here on Earth was experienced on the atmosphere of Mars.  I have yet to here any global warming advocate to give a reasonable scientific explanation.  The only thing that the two have in common is the Sun.  The sun is at the end of a very active period.

    1. News flash, the energy output of the sun is not a constant value.

    2. The magnetic north and south poles are not in a fixed position.  They can change several miles in a day.

    The weather is always changing.  It is the nature of the beast.  The global warming alarmist have tried to turn every tropical storm into a major hurricane, and it hasn't worked.

    Scientific argument uses data to support a hypothesis.  Computer models isn't data, but speculation.  A good model can predict what will happen in the future only to the degree of accuracy of the algorithms to mimic real world situations.  If there was a computer model that was available that would allow you to place 10 years worth of data and predict future weather, and also be able to accurately predict the weather prior to the 10 years with accuracy, then I think we would have something.  But that is not the case.  If you separate the politics from global warming, then you will find that global warming has more to do with hot air being recirculated by art majors and less to do with the atmospheric conditions surrounding the globe.

    Below is a link that has articles that allow people with opposing views to global warming to state their case.  Some of the arguments are very conviencing.  Personnally, I prefer articles that 1: reference their sources.  2. has accurate data  3.  can reference the scientific principles behind the test and theories.

    I've spent the last 30 years doing science.  I have met some great (and somewhat boring scientist) and some flymboant snake oil salesmen with science degrees.  I believe I have learned to separate the product from the sales pitch.  There may be a current trend of heating, which is expected since the ice age.  But currently, there is no proof of anthropomorphic causes of global warming.

  5. Fact is, people who insist global warming is a hoax do so for entirely political reasons, and are no more ingenuous than Holocaust deniers.  There is a natural warming cycle, certainly, but humans have sped up the process, to the point where technology may not allow us to adapt to the changes.  

  6. They said int he 70's that we would be in another ice age, as of NOW!  Do you see an ice age anywhere???

  7. The Earth is warming but it is always warming or cooling.  Actually the temperature of the Earth is much cooler than it has been throughout most of it's history.  The world is warming but if it never did that we'd still be in the Ice Age.  Doomsayers use anything they can get their hands on to justify their dire predictions.  Remember Y2K?

  8. No, there's WAY too much evidence that's it real. Like that sea in Europe drying out every year? We' re all going to die.

  9. No. Too much evidence to prove it is real.

  10. no i dont believe its a hoax coz there r many facts to prove its not

  11. dont know ask me in 30yrs time

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