
Do you believe that Knowing our Worth brings any difficulties.....

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.... in our life, as if in relationships with others, in adjusting to our environment, even in certain practicalities of every day life?




  1. things could be worse.....

    ......if we do not know what's inside....

    ...our very own shadow.....

  2. yeah. Cause you will expect too much. You are valuing your self worth and so you might put yourself to pedestal too high even for everyone to reach. And sitting there is lonely.  

  3. If you are a part of relationship with others then you are in difficulties..If relationship with others is part of you then you are at easy..But clear distinction has to be made. Same with environment and in every day life...Part of something? Join the club of lost sheeps. Everything is part of you? Welcome ,first step to understand meaning of being  Image and Likeness...very simple

  4. I think knowing your worth only brings power and control over yourself in any relationships and in relation to your environment.  Knowing your worth builds self esteem, which is needed to truly be happy in your life!

    Thanks for reading!

  5. Actually, I think it's the opposite.  A person who has low self esteem may find it difficult to function productively.  However, someone who has awareness of their place in the world in relation to it's value can contribute more with confidence providing they maintain humility.  This is not to say a self assured person is without problems from time to time, but it seems to me they are handled with more "style" and less fear.

  6. Enormous difficulties.. consisted in distances between us and the majority of the others, established spontaneously by the "air" surrounding us. An flavour and a sense of armour and velvet.

    As for me, only very simple or very complicated persons accept me...  

  7. It is the desire for recognition of our worth that brings difficulties.

  8. When we know who we think we are wet end to overemphasize our significance in this world. It can become a problem if we let it become one. Humility is key.

  9. If you are prepared to weigh things up all the time, I think our own scale may be slightly bias, like those funny mirrors that distort our reflection.

    All the things you mention though can be where the affirmation of our worth comes from.

  10. Only for other people. If all your life you've been a codependent doormat and then suddenly you start to set boundaries, people don't like it. But they get over it if you just stick to your guns.

    The first time I ever said "No" to someone I cried about it for an hour afterward. But I knew I was right, and stuck to it. Yes, I've lost some "friends" but those friends were users, so I didn't really need them.

  11. Realizing we are powerful beyond comparison is our challenge.

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