
Do you believe that Michael Phelps is the greatest athlete ever?

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Why or why not?

He has an amazing ability, but how many Olympians have the ability to win 8 gold medals in a single Olympics? Not many. He would be the most amazing athlete if he could do other events too, like track and field.

What do you think?




  1. Great swimmer, good athlete.

  2. to me, the worlds greatest athletes are soccer players

    but phelps is the worlds best swimmer in history

    there's no doubt that he is an amazing athlete indeed

  3. He is the greatest swimmer and not even done yet.  However, Michael Jordan, Lance Armstrong and Tiger Woods single-handedly revolutionized their sport, unlike Michael Phelps.  Granted, he has tons of gold medals.

  4. Your an idiot for asking that question how can he be the best athlete he only entered the swimming if he entered every event and won a gold medal in them all then you could call him the greatest athlete. I don't remember him in the rowing or gymnastics or basketball or softball or shooting or anything else for that matter.

  5. I think he can be called the greatest swimmer.  There are other good athletes in the world.

  6. i would put him up there with M.Jordan, Tiger Woods, L.Armstrong as some of the best athletes of all time

  7. To call him the "greatest athlete ever" would mean he wins gold in running, cycling, kayaking, gymnastics, etc.  He hasn't proven that yet.  

    But no doubt he's the greatest swimmer ever, winning gold in various swimming styles and distances.

    I much rather agree with Bob Costas who described Phelps as the "most PROLIFIC OLYMPIAN" ever.

  8. no but i think he is the best swimmer that we have seen in years

  9. Well hes only 23 so hes got a long time left in his career so I don't think we should labeling him the best athlete EVER but hes definately the best swimmer so far. Swimming also has about 20 more medals than sports like track and field which is an huge advantage for a multi stroke swimmer like Phelps. Alot of people think Decathlon athletes should be considered the best athletes ever because they do all the events at such as high standard kinda like Phelps with his swimming events. If a champion 100 m runner could do as many events as Phelps does Im sure the story would be much different and the only person I've ever seen do that would have to be Carl Lewis with the 100m 200m and long jump. I guess its hard to compare swimming to other sports. It takes a lot less of a toll on the body then most sports because its done it such a supportive field like a pool so you dont get as much injuries. I do think he has a few olympics in him and i guess by then we'll know the answer to your question.  

  10. No, he is a good swimmer yes, i dont think best swimmer either

  11. No, he is the greatest swimmer ever and the most prolific olympian ever but not the greatest athlete ever.

  12. oh my god.

    I just watched the race and i'm freaking out.

    HE WON!

    USA WON!

    he is AMAZING!

    yes he is the greatest swimmer ever!


  13. He is the best swimmer, but not the greatest athlete ever because you can't compare all the athletes, they're in different sports so you only can say: He is the best swimmer, he is the best basketball player, she is the best soccer player and examples like that, just that.

  14. umm i think he isnt the greatest athlete. He has got a long way to go yet. I mean there are athletes like tiger woods and nadal out there.  

  15. no... michael jordan  

  16. No. to me,Mark Spitz is. He won 7 golds without the help of today's technology.

  17. No ****, the Olympics has tons of event designed just for swimming. If someone is good at swimming like Phelps, he can easily claim most of the medals. And greatest athlete? Have you seen other sports before, where a player's actions has a direct affect on other players. Where offense, defense, and strategies are played. Swimming is a type of sport where you're either faster or slower than other players, like track.  

  18. He could be the greatest swimmer, or he could be one of the biological experiment.  I am just curious what "exactly" he eats everyday.

    If this is a Chinese who won 8 gold medals in swimming, I wonder what the Americans would say about it.  Haha.. I think majority of the people would know the answer.

  19. 08-08-2008 Beijing Olympics

    Started at 8 O'clock

    Pheps won 8 gold medals

    8 means luck in China?

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