
Do you believe that Most cultural Division and Hatred is usually based on FEAR ?

by  |  earlier

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If so why ?

Fear of what exactly?

Are we really all that different?

Think about who promotes this FEAR and why?




  1. I think most cultural division and hatred is based on more ignorance than fear. I think our society is just too egotistical to feel the need to understand other cultures and their backgrounds fully before judging them or hating them.

  2. Definitely NOT!!!

    Ignorance - maybe, misinformation - maybe, self-centered intolerance - maybe, but FEAR?  NO!!!

    "Think about who promotes this FEAR and why?"

    Much of this phony "fear" (yes, I DID say PHONY fear) is promoted by the very same politically correct crowd who SHOULD be working AGAINST it, instead.  It is an extension of the gangster mentality that falsely equates "fear" with "respect".  





    The creation and subsequent mis-use of such terms is designed to engender a sinister mystique where none belongs.  Remembering the vague connotation that fear carries with it a false aura of respect, would YOU rather convince yourself that your neighbor is AFRAID of you than admit he dislikes you because he considers some of your activities, attitudes and behavior patterns to be objectionable and offensive (even if they really AREN'T)?

    Granted, prejudice is an ugly thing, but lets not paste false labels on it and confuse an already twisted issue even further.

    For just a moment, lets leave PEOPLE completely OUT of the picture.  Think about THINGS that you HATE.  Do you REALLY "fear" them?  

    Do you genuinely FEAR a pen leaking in your shirt pocket?

    Does crabgrass in your lawn make you tremble in HORROR and break into a cold sweat?

    Are you really AFRAID of the potholes you drive though on your daily commute?

    Do you have an actual PHOBIA of a clogged kitchen sink drain?

    Would you scream in real TERROR if your hard-drive crashed?

    All these are things you HATE, but do you really FEAR them?  DO you actually feel the emotion we call FEAR over any of these things?  You might feel some slight anxiety that they COULD happen, but if they DO, does their occurrance really SCARE you or just anger and disgust you?  

    HATE and FEAR are two very DIFFERENT emotions.  You don't treat nasal allergies with Dramamine and you don't treat seasickness with Sudafed.  If you don't correctly distinguish between the two, how can you provide the right remedy for either?

    Mislabeling HATE as FEAR is an offensive dis-service to ALL sides concerned.  It is falsely accusing one side of fear which they do not really feel, and that accomplishes nothing but engendering even MORE anger and ill will.  It may give the other side a charismatic aura of sinister mystique which seems attractive on the surface, but only obscures the REAL issues at hand and makes a workable solution that much harfder to achieve.

    When the CAUSE is misdiagnosed, the EFFECTS cannot be effectively remedied.

  3. yes I do. I guess fear of the outsider /loss of status.

    No one is different we all have the same central nervous systems etc.

    I don't think anyone promotes the fear they might take a ride on it pander to it to sell papers get votes etc. But I reckon the fear is part of our animal nature. we aren't that long out of the swamp - not very civilized yet.

    it is up to each of us to deal with our own fear no matter who is jumping on the band-wagon.

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