
Do you believe that Rush Limbaugh is an unbiased truth teller?

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Do you believe that Rush Limbaugh is an unbiased truth teller?




  1. Rush gathers enough factual data to make his case, and produces the evidence.He slams everyone be they republicans, democrates, or other.He can be irritating to listen to sometimes because he only reports truth.He is listened to widely by people who want the b.s left out.

  2. No he is just another tool of the Jews.

  3. no! He is a liar who will say anything to get ratings

  4. He has his bias, but he has more facts and truth than most commentators.

  5. It's nice to have a sense of humor, but he's never been particularly good with the facts. I have a problem with that.

  6. I believe every human being has biases, no matter how tolerant and open-minded and intelligent they claim to be.  I don't care if you listen to Rush or Hannity or Neal Boortz or even Al Franken - don't believe them until you've checked their sources and researched their facts for yourself.  

    Just because someone may be biased - and just because they're biased toward a different viewpoint than your own - doesn't automatically mean they're always wrong.  Research the facts and think for yourself, and eventually you'll learn to recognize bias when you hear it or read it.

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