
Do you believe that Russia's invasion of Georgia is just like n**i Germany's invasion of the Sudetenland?

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Do you think Georgia will be absorbed into Russia? Is this step 1 in taking over the former Soviet Republics and then, who knows what else?




  1. NO

  2. the only thing that is comparable about the Russian Federation and n**i Germany is the power of their blitz plays

  3. Yeah, I think that's a good analogy.  I also don't believe that Russia will stop there unless confronted by NATO.

  4. Ignorance about the world is a bliss for us americans, first I am not russian or Bosnian or anyone from that part of the world.

    I am a pround US Citizen who actually has traveled beyond the boundries of these greeat united states. having said that.

    We have a Football league which is world champion (No other country participates in the game) We have a Basketball Team which was deafeted in the last two olympics yet we have world Champions.

    Same way we are completely ignorant about Georgia, Bosnia, Kosovo and other waring regions of the world, little and no knowledge of Israel and Palastine conflict.

    Russia did what it was forced in to doing, for last 9 years russians in the O.S have been opressed by the Georgian Government, and hiding under the Olympics Georgia launched an attack on S.O think there will be no response from Russia.

    People of my great nation wake up and read and learn about the world before make any statments, visit Georgia, Visit, Israel, Plastine, Jummu and Kashmir, Pakistan, Darfur and other waring zones meet people and learn the truth yourself, stop listening to the one sided wester on easter media, Islamic or Islamophobic Media.


  5. Georgia was part of the USSR. Putin and the commies want the USSR back again.

  6. No I do not. Georgia was warned by the US not to invade yet they did. I agree Russia over reacted but they have to right to defend a state that wants to be part of Russia.

  7. Not quite in the same league. Conflicts between all the former soviet territories is nothing new. Croatia? Bosnia? Any of those ring a bell?

    PS-stop stealing my avator stuff!

  8. most probably u are right

    Russia does even worse things in the 21 st century he could have called the georgian government or asked the international organizations to see the situation in conflict zones ( as Russuains delcare Georgias ethnic cleaning and genocide) but they act like they were in 12th century insteda 21 and tries to "Solve " the problem by bringing in enormous troops and 1200 tanks, hove come Russians could mobilize such a great number of tanks in no time at the Georgians border,..

  9. I think this is just a blood for oil war. The Russians invaded because they want the main pipeline that goes through Georgia. After that, they can control all of the flow of oil and natural gas to the West.

  10. Reading the other responses I would venture there isn't one from an American (or they are exhibiting their lack of educational achievement). I view the Russian actions leading up to and including the invasion of Georgia as extremely similar to that of the n***s' excuses for invading the Sudetenland. The Russians may have exceeded the German action by handing out Russian passports to the S. Ossetians and making them instant Russian citizens. Clever move on their part, but quite transparent.

  11. No, its kind of like the mexican wars you had.

  12. i believe Russia defeated Nazists in 1945 and it will defeat fascist georgian army this time. peace

  13. No that analogy literally is used for US and Bush! I'm not that surprised at the finger pointing against Russia but shocked at the ignorence and deliberate deceit AND PROPAGANDA BY OUR MEDIA. Shocking!

    Every country in the world knows at least at some level what is going on, accept people in US. For one of the above replies, Russia did. When skirmishes between Georgia and S.O started Russia brought a resolution calling for both sides to cease hostility, US refused.

    It was Georgia that attacked S.O backed by US, during the Olympics, killing innocent civilians. Russians were ready and had already warned Georgians of any attack against S.O.

    There are other myths, that some how Georgia is a great democracy. It's a corrupt and totalitarian regime, no better than Russia. It's a police state.

    Here are more myths, that Europe takes the same stance against Russia as US. Another myth US or Bush have any influence over Russia or Europe. Which as clear by Russian response. The frustration wasn't that Russia retaliated against Georgia, but how dare Russia doesn't fear US.

    I officially declare the US media dead and obsolete.  

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