
Do you believe that True love Exist?

by Guest57176  |  earlier

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& that you can find someone you can grow old with, experience true lasting love or do you think its impossible?

What do you believe and whats your sign?




  1. Why sure I do.Just like I believe in the Easter Bunny,Big Foot or the possibility of Brittney Spear lasting in a 30 min marriage.(IN HEAD:Huh."Looove".Pshh.

  2. absolutely! my husband was love at first site. he is my soul mate, my best friend, my heart, my oxygen, i can't live without him. been inseparable for 10 years now & still crazy in love with one another.

    i'm a leo, he's a libra

  3. yes i do think its possible it all depends you have to know that there are more fish in the sea and not just go for the first person you meet...

  4. i believe that true love exists. but it would be really hard to find that right a capricorn

  5. I believe that it is possible.  Not everyone get to experience it.  I'm Sagitarius.

  6. I don't think its impossible since there are a few people who manage to but I think its almost impossible. I do know a few couples who have managed to though.

    I think it might not be possible for some people though it might sound harsh if its such a rare thing maybe its not for everyone.

  7. Yes, but seldom long enough to overlook every flaw for very long by one party or the other. Its' more fun to be continually disillusioned by different partners.

  8. wow that is awesome...i asked that same question to my husband but it was like " want to be with me and grow old with me until we are in rocking chairs"  It was cute and funny cos that's how i picture a true love is together THROUGH all the rough times that life throws at ya and through all the people who don't think you can do it and through everything.....true love is when you make it until you are old in rocking chairs on the porch watching the days and nights together remembering the "good old days".   YES I believe in it.  It just takes work.  It's never handed to you.

  9. everyone has a soul mate but that dont mean thats who you will be with....true love does exist

  10. Libra, if you find that one person you want to be with all your life. Lucky dip!

    Take a look at this! It's so cute!;...

  11. Leo.

    Yea true love can be found anywhere, its just somthing that has to be worked on all the time. People seem to think that true love just happens, it doesnt. you have to work to make love happen.

  12. Yes, I believe it exists.  You can sometimes tell that a couple are in love for ages just by the way their yard looks.

  13. yes. I belive there is true love. That there is one perfect person for you. but sometimes we can't wait for that perfect person and we have to find someone close enough and exept there flaws.

       hope i helped

           my sign is libra

  14. if there is true love that means there false love no love is love .

    love or no love no thing else no true no white  

  15. I believe in true love, and my sign is Aries. If that's what you mean by sign.

  16. i believe there is it just takes some time for some people. im a Leo.

  17. I believe in it. I believe that we feel "true love" whenever we love someone but that it doesn't always need to last until you get old. I think it makes life more interesting that we have to try, it makes me appreciate things more.

    I''m a Capricorn/Aquarius I'm right on the 20th of January so it depends on the calendar what sign I am. According to Yahoo! I'm Aquarius.

  18. I'm a Taurus.

    I believe in true love. I believe in love at first sight. I've experienced both. Open yourself up to believing anything is possible. Be positive. Smile. Be open minded. Don't judge people. Accept people for who they are. Live right.  

  19. Yeah but I won't truly believe in it unless I marry the guy that doesn't even know I exist...well yet.

    Haha, I'm going to make him love me even if true love doesn't exist I will cast spells on him to make him love me.

    Just kidding, I'm not that obsessed or creepy...but I believe in it and I will make it happen for me.  

  20. Yes, I do believe in true love! It was true love at first sight for me and my fiancee. We have been together for a very long time now and it is so magical. We are each others wind beneath each others wings.

  21. I am gemini and I don't believe that a persons soul mate exists.  Been through to much with mates.  I belive in parent child love or jesus's love.  But I have been through to much in my life to be an optomist about relationships expessially relationships.  

  22. Nope! I'm 60 and so far love has been limited to 4 days or less. Least for me it certainly doesn't exist. I like to treat women like princesses and be honest and it doesn't work. I have had had friends that liked to abuse women, even hit them around and they were up to their eyeballs in wives and girlfriends.  Suppose I could try to change but I won't. I love women, respect them, and can't mistreat them.

    What do I believe?  Not much. Most of what I learned through high school turned out to be lies.

    I am a Libra. Defender of truth and justice even at loss to my own interests.

  23. My husband and I have been together 21 years. It wasn't love at first sight for either of us (more like lust). And yes, I believe in lasting love. Patience and communication are the keys to a long happy marriage. It's great to have someone that you can be completely yourself with, trust completely and know they will be there for you.

    I'm a Gemini and he's an Aries.

  24. I do believe in it, though haven't experienced it.

    I believe it's out there but I have yet to find her.


  25. You got many answers for the horoscope section,cheers!

    Yes,I believe it does.I love love,I need love ;D

    I love loving and being loved <3

    Leo sun,Sag moon with Aquarius rising.

  26. I think it's possible, but it's probably not a bed of roses... so sometimes I think I couldn't handle it if I found it.

    Seems to me like the fantasy would definitely win out against the reality!


  27. i don't believe in true love. or at least in that kind of true love that people talk about.

    i'm libra. i don't believe in finding your love by their sign...

  28. Yes I do. I'm an optimist. I do agree that is rare, but its not impossible to find.

    I'm a Virgo

    With a Sagittarius Moon and Rising

    But, sometimes, people seem to be a little misguided. And they think they've found love until, the love fades. That's not true love. True love doesn't evaporate. I think those situations are just the saddest

  29. It exist in each of us, but it's up to you how to handle them, you will create them (true love), not distraction will create in you both.  

  30. IDK but I sure hope so;-)

    I'm a Sagittarius with a Leo Moon and Gemini Ascendant

  31. ever seen the notebook? ♥♥♥♥ its a really sad, cute story.  

    and guys, i thinkkkkkkkk he means wuts ur sign that there is such thing... but i dnt know

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