
Do you believe that Turkey should be allowed to join EU once it had met its EU obligations?

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Do you believe that Turkey should be allowed to join EU once it had met its EU obligations?




  1. This is hard question, mainly because Turkey will probably never satisfy the conditions to join.  Unlike some posters think, the fact that it is Muslim has nothing to do with anything.  They are a strongly democratic nation - in fact, they held a popular vote just to see what their people felt about letting the U.S. use Turkey as a staging point for Iraq.  95% of the country did not want to do that, and they listened to their people.  However, what they did in Cyprus cannot be ignored, as it is a gross violation of human rights.  Since the EU has a strong stance on human rights, this is undoubtedly a marked concern for the E.U.  If Turkey can if fact change, it should be allowed to join.  The past is the past.  As I see it, the EU currently has many former military superpowers and colonialist tendencies (Britain, France, Spain) a nation that was on the wrong side of two world wars (Germany) and nations from the former Soviet Bloc.  If Turkey can clean up its act a bit, let them in, for sure.

  2. No.  Most of Turkey is not even in Europe.  And the part that is, Istanbul primarily, should be taken away and Christian Constantinople restored.

  3. it would indicate a profound change in Europe's somewhat racist identity that is being fed by primarily Turkey's otherness. A much more healthy culture would evolve on either side.

  4. No join thanks,a muslim country (muslim in the flag, too :see the crescent moon - star) like Turkey undermines the historic value of cristian religion as European Union' bond .

    Turkey is also the main road for the east opium products (cocaine,heroine,morphine) to enter Europe.

    I 'd rather prefer Switzerland to join .

  5. Yes.

  6. Turkey is better off out of the EU, keeping it's independence, and watching in the next 10 years as war engulfs the harmonious EU

  7. I see no reason why it should not be allowed - As the Roman Emperor Vespasian once said after taxing the 'p**s pots' -- "Money has no smell".

    Europe is to the West quite resource deficient, which of course was the prime drive for expansion out into the former colonies.

    With China and India becoming heavy players and the East having more 'modern' resource stores I believe that Turkey being admitted into the EU is a good thing for everyone involved.

  8. nO

  9. Yes, Turkey is probably the one and only Muslim democracy.

  10. Why not, would it not be racist for them to be disallowed

  11. yes as it will increase the size of the european economy

  12. Sure, there is no reason that they should not join.

    I often hear mention of the fact that as a Moslem nation, for some reason they cannot join the EU, but there is no mention of ANY religious values (least of all Christian) in the EU treaties, and Turkey does NOT have an official State religion.

    Turkey is a large country, has great scope for development, and would be a useful ally in the war against religious extremism.

  13. Well its highly unlikely that Turkey would meet the EU obligations in the near future. Turkey has a long way to go.

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